Published May 30, 2007
David's Harp
137 Posts
Just graduated the ADN program (CCP), and am prepping for the NCLEX. However, I am having the hardest time lining up a position anywhere! I've gone on interviews that seem to go very well, but no callbacks. Several of the area hospitals are now going strictly with BSN students (and this info would've been handy three years ago, when I elected to go into an Associate's program!), and in general the pickings have been scarce. Far as I know, about half of my graduating class is employed, and half are in the same boat that I'm in.
I've been externing at a local community hospital, which is a fine place but a little distant for me. However, this experience doesn't seem to be counting for much.
My specific questions, before this turns into a rant/therapy-session:
1) Is the market "flooded" in Philly? Everywhere? Worse at this time of the year or pretty uniform throughout the year?
2) Is the market better when you put "RN" next to your name, post-boards?
3) Am I just freaking out prematurely, expecting too much too soon, borrowing trouble when I should just be hitting the review questions (which I have been doing, BTW. 30-60/day)?
If you've read this far, thank you. If you're responding to any part of it, thank you even more!
dawngloves, BSN, RN
2,399 Posts
When I graduated CCP a hundred years ago...I had a hard time too. I passed my boards and waited and waited.I even called Dr. Mengel and talked to her and she told me to wait it out, there is a shortage brewing. And she was right! It took me 6 months to find a job, but after that people were begging for help and stoppped looking for BSNs and hired whoever they could.
I know that's not what you want to hear right now. Where have you applied? Are you calling the recruiters and talking to them? Or are you answering ads?
59 Posts
I don't think is flooded, at least I hope not because I'm graduating in Sept. (hopefully). As far as requirment goes, I heard from a friend that Jefferson and HUP requires BSN now. There are many hospitals in the tri-state area, so just relax; concentrate on passing the board first while keep looking. Let's put it this way, if u can't pass the board, you can't get anywhere. But I believe jobs are out there. Does anyone has any input as far as "flooded" RN jobs in the Philly area? I hope not.....
8 Posts
I recently moved to Philadelphia and I am currently looking for a job also. I graduated with an ASN (December 2006) and I just got my RN license from Pennsylvania. I thought having the RN license would almost guarantee a job, but that isn't the case. I applied or sent resumes to Penn Presbyterian, Jefferson, CHOP, and Lankenau over a week ago and still no calls about an interview. At this point, I'm getting a little worried. I'm not sure if the market is flooded. Maybe it's cause of the new graduating class, I don't know. Anyway, just wanted to let you know your not the only one out there.
10 Articles; 19,050 Posts
The time to apply for initial new grad position is beginning of last semester senior year, not after you graduate to take advantage of new graduate programs and early junior yr for summer internship positions in this area.
With automated HR applications, it takes average of two-three weeks to get response ---especially if HR out sick or on vacation. Most managers don't get access to these online systems as desire HR to weed through applications. I've been told by HR that I'm a rare breed to request online access to review candidates and push applicants quickly through hiring process in about 2 weeks.
From HUP online application process:
Regarding your status:
Regarding future action:
There are hundreds of positions posted at Nursing Spectrum, Advance for Nurses, Inquirer's Career and in this area. I suggest that you post your resume on these sites. Anyone interested in homecare, I can tell you who's been hiring new grads---just send PM.
Good Luck in your job search.
56 Posts
My son's girlfriend just graduated from Temple with her BSN and has a job at CHOP, I asked her about others in her class and the majority have gotten positions locally. You may be correct about the BSN protion because of all the BSN programs available locally at Temple, U Penn and Drexel.
little more diggning:
penn health system:
hup nurse residency program
criteria for admission
penn presbyterian: new to practice to medical surgical nursing program
for recent graduates from an accredited rn program, penn presbyterian also offers a special program for new to practice nurses who are interested in working in a medical surgical area of the hospital.
under critical care:
our nurse to patient ratios are excellent and our comprehensive orientation program, which includes gateway to critical care for novice rn staff, provides individualized attention and mentoring
pennsylvania: nurse residency program
same requirements as hup
thomas jefferson: [color=#254e9f]graduate nurse
[color=#254e9f]nurse extern
frankford system: no dedicated program, job openings for 12/12 state graduate nurse...
einstein: no specific program
hahneuman: no specific program---no degreelisted in positions
nurses choose hahnemann
will add more later.
74 Posts
it took me 6 months to find a job, but after that people were begging for help and stoppped looking for bsns and hired whoever they could.
since i read this...i started really thinking about it...i am supposed to graduate next may...i am going to start applying for graduate nurse positions in january. i now see that many facilities are preferring persons with bsns so i know with an adn i have to start early and make that extra effort. i don't want to get "what's left" after all the bsns have found jobs....jmtc
The time to apply for initial new grad position is beginning of last semester senior year,
That's when I did, completely of my own accord, as our faculty didn't even start mentioning career advice until early that semester.
not after you graduate to take advantage of new graduate programs and early junior yr for summer internship positions in this area.With automated HR applications, it takes average of two-three weeks to get response ---especially if HR out sick or on vacation. Most managers don't get access to these online systems as desire HR to weed through applications. I've been told by HR that I'm a rare breed to request online access to review candidates and push applicants quickly through hiring process in about 2 weeks.
That's good to know. I was wondering how that worked!
From HUP online application process: your status:You will receive an automatic email notification after you submit your application. This may be the only correspondence you will receive about your status.You may wish to keep a list of the job codes and job titles of those positions you’ve applied to so that you can check periodically to see if they are still open.Regarding future action:It is recommended that you view our website frequently since it is updated daily. Do not hesitate to respond to several positions since some of the positions may be forwarded to different hiring managers and recruiters. Please note that hiring managers and recruiters will contact you directly if they are interested in pursuing you as a candidate.Recruitment and Staffing cannot provide time frames for moving through the application process. There are hundreds of positions posted at Nursing Spectrum, Advance for Nurses, Inquirer's Career and in this area. I suggest that you post your resume on these sites. Anyone interested in homecare, I can tell you who's been hiring new grads---just send PM.Good Luck in your job search.
Thanks, Karen. I am up on Monster and Careerbuilder now, and looking into these other resources.
Recruiter at Presby tells me that they're going strictly BSN now as well, but that Pennsylvania Hospital accepts Associate's-level candidates.
I'm also told that Jefferson is "done hiring" for the season, having placed all their students already. I also hear that they're going the way of HUP (BSN-only).
Prospective CCP students may wish to take note of this and decide accordingly! :angryfire
Sarah LnDHopes
92 Posts
Definitely noted...thanks for the post. I wonder if having a BA in another field matters at all? My guess is no...
I actually was feeling like this might be the case when deciding between ADN and BSN, but ultimately I just had to admit that my family and money situation did not allow my the opportunity to do a BSN at this point. I just have faith that when I graduate (in 2 years) I will be able to find a job somewhere, that will allow me to continue on to my planned goals (NP/CNM) I'm not holding my breath that I'd get into L&D right away like I dream.
When I graduated CCP a hundred years ago...I had a hard time too. I passed my boards and waited and waited.I even called Dr. Mengel and talked to her and she told me to wait it out, there is a shortage brewing. And she was right! It took me 6 months to find a job, but after that people were begging for help and stoppped looking for BSNs and hired whoever they could. I know that's not what you want to hear right now. Where have you applied? Are you calling the recruiters and talking to them? Or are you answering ads?
Okay, Dawn, let's reheorifice this again: "You should be expecting a call within the hour!"
No, seriously, I'm more interested in the truth, and your actual experience, than what I want to hear. I appreciate your reply, and only regret not asking serious questions about this stuff three years ago, though part of this journey is learning which questions to ask. This is as true in matters pertaining to the job market as it is in day-to-day nursing judgment.