From Maine


Hi, I responded to a message, then happened to look at the dates. Do any nurses and/or students use this site anymore? I just found and was happy to see a Maine page, but then realized it appears no one uses it. I would think this might be a nice place to see who is out there (anon), what they are doing, maybe the changes etc. Just wondering??

Specializes in Psych., Educatio, Geriatrics.


I know exactly what you mean. Administration is away from the homes (in more ways than one) I don`t think they have a clue what it is really like in the homes.(typical) The people in the homes had made such incredible steps, sometimes 1forward and 2 back, but coming around ever so slowly to living in a community. I used to enjoy advocating for any bit or scrap of independence I could fight for, for them. They don`t speak up for themselves well, you are right, usually they would just fold, be quiet. Even in that area slight progress was being made. The challenges,the conversations, their struggles in a world that does not understand them. When I think back to where the group was when I first came into their lives, until the time I left, it was just amazing!!

the sad thing to me was (well one of many) they weren`t supposed to get better, and they all got better in degrees, but some really got better, but there isn`t much out there, and staff come and go... so the continuity that follow through would get lost.

Their diseases fascinated me, the way they survived amazed me. There was one person that could say 5 sentences in a row as if they meant something, and the 5 had nothing to do with each other, but I took the time to keep listening, realized there was a pattern an actual conversation, but I had to listen to all of it, put it together to figure out what this person was trying so hard to say. Well, you can probably tell by my exuberance and could talk about this forever. I just loved it!!I see though it is 3A, so I must get off to bed, or soon not bother. I hope to talk again, I`d love to hear some of your stories, the success and why, the things you all do. Anyway write again Cadia

Specializes in psychiatric; inpt, outpt & residential.

Hi Cadia,

Funny how this type of work gets to you, in a good way. The people I work with are very "nothing is impossible" oriented so that is the driving force. If workers or contacts don't feel that way, we do alot of education and moderate trade-offs.(our favorite approach is to say "how can we prove this to you") If a guardian says "no way" to something, we ask what smaller steps would they agree to and how can we help the resident show the guardian progress.

Very challenging, thinking outside the box, creative stuff. Patience for sure, progress can really appear to be slow. Success may not look like what our average expectations of success might appear to be. definately humbling.

I often "joke" that I'd rather deal with a dozen client crises than one staff problem. Staff are way more trouble than residents anyday. :specs: Said With Love

Specializes in Psych., Educatio, Geriatrics.


It seems you are able to sum this all up so well. That is exactly what it is like, it can be hard to explain to someone from outside the psych world. Many of my friends absolutely could not understand my feelings about being involved with the group. The baby steps, they felt they would just become so frustrated with the "progress" This just gave me more opportunity for educating!!

I agree about staff, sometimes when dealing with rapid turnover, staff that really, really want to control, well, I would rather have a client during a bad day. It is hard to imagine coming home in a bad mood. It was a satisfying experience and yes, humbling for sure.

How long have you worked in this setting? Have you always? How many people live together in one environment. There are seveal settings here, somewhat increasing in independence. It really is like an afterthought in a way though. I still look at it as a positive, because nothing is perfect, especially in their world, but it is better and improving. Cadia :typing

Specializes in psychiatric; inpt, outpt & residential.

Hi Cadia,

I started my nursing career in Massachusetts at a state psychiatric facility. Locked units, 40 patients per unit, 5 units. I have been a "psych" nurse for 9 years. After 4 years of intense inpatient care, I moved to glorious Maine :) and got into residential care. Great move, in more ways than one. We have a couple of 8 bed homes (too many per house) and 2 four bed homes, 1 six bed and a supported apartment program. We are moving more and more to a progressive program (group home to supported apartment to independent living).

Now managed care is coming to Maine mental health and Mainecare so things should get interesting. The managed care approach relies on reviewing a client's need for the program. So "maintenance" is out. That means the 83 year old lady with schizophrenia will have to move to a "nursing home" because she won't be making "progress" according to the managed care criteria. Of course, nursing homes generally deny admission as soon as they hear the psych diagnosis (at least in my experience).

Ok, I can't get going on BP will go up!

Specializes in Med-Surg, LTC, Rehabiliation Nursing.
hello all! i just stumbled across this sight over the weekend and love it! i'm a pre-nursing student doing prereq's at smcc. a bit scary, as the hard sciences don't come to me "naturally"-as it they do for some...but i'm determined to make it! this site offers so much support and encouragement. i'm glad there seem to be more of you posting on the maine forum-let's keep it going!


that icon makes me laugh every time...

hi mermaid36,

i am a recent grad from smcc. graduated in may, passed my boards in june. now a licensed rn!! whooo hooo!:monkeydance: (love the monkey dance too.) i did all my prereqs at smcc, and got accepted into the program there. loooong wait list. so, where are you planning to go to school? i agree, lets keep it the maine/new enland forum going! i think the problem is that we are all so darn busy. i would love to stay on the internet all night and talk to other nurses, but my chances are few and far between.

anyways, good luck, with determination like yours you will make it.


Specializes in OB,OR,NICU.

Hi Everyone,I don't live in Maine but i'm following your thread because I want to move up there!So count me in!I'm very interested in hearing from anyone at EMMC in Bangor.I'd love to hear from all of you.When i come up there,I want to find my LAST job.The one I can retire at.A nice,friendly place to work.Nice to meet you all.Lisa in NC

Specializes in Psych., Educatio, Geriatrics.

Hi Lisa, I don`t live in Bangor, but I wanted to say hi. I have seen several job openings, probably like everywhere in Nursing these days! I have been to visit many a sick relative/friend at EMMC. It seems nice, happy with the care. It has sure grown over the yrs.! Hard to believe when I think back to what it was. It was large then, comparitively speaking. Well, I hope it won`t be too long a wait, before you get to where you want to be. Acadia love2knit as well, also spin and felt wool

Specializes in OB,OR,NICU.

Thanks for the welcome ,Acadia!And if you subsucribe to any knitlists,LMK.Would LOVE to talk knitting with you.I'm getting ready for those cold Maine winters,I'd luv to chat with you more.

If anyone sees any Nursery jobs posted,think of me,OK?I actually work in a 260 bed hospital with a 5 bed level 2 sick baby unit.I don't have to work in a "real NICU".I'm actually hoping some smaller community hospital might need me.I'm very good at what I do,top notch according to my docs.Any hospital that delivers babies needs someone around that can handle things if they go wrong.Pneumonia,abruption,shock,neonatal drug addiction,respiratory distress,extreme prematurity.I'm that person.I can stabilize and ship just about anything.I prefer the small hospital setting,it's worked well for me.So if any of you work in small towns and you see something,keep me in mind.I'm a small town girl,actually an expatriated Newfoundlander,who would be more than happy in small town Maine.


Hi Maine folks (and those who love them)!

I'm male and in my early 50's. I lived in Maine most of my life. In May, I finished a direct entry Master of Nursing program in Montreal and am working full time as a psych nurse in one of the big hospitals. With a Master's degree, I started at $26 an hour, plus all the differentials.

All I can think about is how much I miss Maine and want to move back there. (I lived in the Portland area.) Montreal is a HUGE city, by Maine standards, and is incredibly expensive to live in. You should SEE the prices for houses!!!! (Saw a modest Cape Code built in the 1940's - still had it's original windows - selling for $349,000!!!!!!!!!!!) The sales tax is 14% (reduced recently from 15%) and income tax is 45% !!!!!! All I do is scream over and over, "How do people LIVE in Canada????" The CRUSH of people during rush hour is frightening ... people crammed - and I mean CRAMMED - onto busses and subways.

Can you tell I don't like it here? LOL :uhoh3:

Does anyone know if Maine recognizes the nursing license from Quebec? I know they recognize the one from CANADA, but Quebec - in their endless need to emphasize how different they are from the rest of Canada - has invented their own nursing exam and license.

I SO want to move back to Portland. For psych, wihich I kind of like, I know there is Spring Harbor, and the MMC has P6. I also wouldn't mind an adminsitrative or teaching position...

Sigh... The leaves must be great there now. The Cumberland and Fryeburg Fairs are recently over. ( I missed them again this year :( :( :( ) Time to go apple picking at Terrison's Orchards, isn't it?

Any insight into the Portland nursing "market"? Anyone working in Maine who has recently moved there from Quebec?

Specializes in Psych., Educatio, Geriatrics.

Wow, Quebec sounds terrible, I hear that you do not like it there. I can`t say as I blame you.!!! Hi, by the way, yes apple picking (my favorite) time. I am sorry you are too far away to experience this, but maybe soon, right??? I hope you find what you need for info to get back.I can look, get back to you about Portland job possibilities, if you would like. Acadia

Morning all!

Been while since I popped on the Maine forum to see what was going on. Busy with work and school....seems never-ending sometimes!:smilecoffeeIlovecof

For those of your wanting to move here....COME ON UP!! Great place to live and work. I've been here 4 years and have never regretted moving.

Specializes in Psychiatric nursing.


I'm new to nursing, currently studying to be a CNA (complete in March) and I'm looking at RN programs at Husson College and UMO. Any information on either program would be greatly appreciated as I am currently filling out the apps and writing the essays. Thanks.

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