Friday July 12 2024


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Ado glad they've lifted the boil order

Londonflo I'll have to try that.  Is the bacon cooked or raw?

NJ22 glad the dog is doing better

Rose Queen glad things are cooler there

Stars that is odd that she rambles on like that, but glad you got stuff done

Tweety hope the vomiting is a one off and his healing continues

Work wasn't as bad as expected.  No new cases, which has helped me catch up quite a bit.  Had time before lunch to get the stuffed mushrooms started that I will be bringing to the potluck

After work stopped at the pet store for some higher fiber food for the cat.  Other than that is was pretty quiet, just exercised.  Family reunion a week from this Sunday, so started to make preparations

Doing pretty good at keeping calm, but it is a lot of work keeping anxiety and anger at bay, takes a lot of watchfulness and energy.  But I think it will be worth it

Today the gay group has their potluck tonight.  

Will be a warmer day today in the upper 80s, no rain expected


Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

GOOD Morning! It is blessedly overcast, the temp is 84 with a feels-like of 89, but OMG the humidity is something crazy like 87%. Nannie is happy the glaring sun isn't blinding her while she looks out at the back yard. She said something (?) "was whirling around and around out there." No clue what she meant, there is nothing "whirling" out there; in fact the breeze is non-existent this morning. But that's the news from The Land of Nannie"

Yesterday the house was pretty tidy, and this morning the house looks like a tornado came through. When Nannie dozes off I will try to wrangle some of the mess down to a dull roar. It is embarrassing, even if nobody else but me sees it!

Thank goodness I put the trash barrel out at the end of the driveway last night; I was running out of 'trash-space'! Recycling isn't until next Friday, but I can load it in bags on the trailer when BiL brings it back empty and I can start filling it up. I already have 4 LARGE trash bags full of paper and folded up cardboard boxes, and all the pre-used Christmas wrapping paper complete with mashed ribbons and bows, that Nannie had saved for.....centuries? I can see saving some of it to reuse, BUT enough is enough!

Momo is so funny about being shy doing her business in front of anybody, I came downstairs with my coffee just as Momo was about to hunch up on the underpad on the floor. But then she suddenly ran upstairs and did her business in private, on one of the underpads I have laid out up there. She must've been yelled at a lot in her previous 'home' (the animal hoarders house). She gets very happy and excited when I tell her what a GOOD GIRL she is for doing her business on the underpad.

Nannie is still staring out into the backyard. She can close her eyes any time, as far as I'm concerned! Maybe I'll go up to the kitchen and start straightening things up. Yippee. 

Specializes in oncology.

Londonflo I'll have to try that.  Is the bacon cooked or raw?

Fried or microwaved.  We are old and retired but I remember the cats gobbling it up!

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

Got the kitchen cleaned up a good bit, and while I was washing dishes, it started pouring rain outside. Then the thunder started. w00t! We really need more rain after baking in the extreme heat for a week or so, as the ground was so dry and cracked. At least the rain will (I hope!) decrease the humidity. Not that I am going to be outside very much, but it is nice.

I got drip pans for the eyes on the electric stove, but I can't pull the "goesinta"(where the heating coils/rings plug into for power ) out of the stove so I can change the drip pans! I tried tugging a good bit, but I'm afraid I will cause the eyes to quit functioning. It's not like I cook a lot, but to not have the option for making a grilled cheese sandwich! And don't tell me to use the broiler because the sandwiches just don't come out the same!   

Ah me, it's always something!

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

Hi. Another nice day here. I took big sis to her bronchoscopy and picked her up and took her home. She wasn't at all groggy so I don't think she needs someone to stay with her the way the hospital said. I think that's old from when you used to get versed and be snockered for the rest of the day. In the mean time, I got some laundry and watering done.
Youngest ds and I are going for a pedicure soon, then dh and I are going to the local minor league baseball game. 

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

Hello all!

No Stars, you made me think of Jethro (Beverly Hillbillies) demonstrating the "gazintas."  And, this one of Ma and Pa Kettle, explaining division and multiplication: 


It is 91 degrees out (NO TRIPLE-DIGITS!!) but it felt so sticky.  And tall puffy clouds hover over the mountains.  I thought for SURE we had terrible humidity (like Tweety and y'all!), but when I checked, it is only 29%!  No way, it feels so much hotter than that! 

I got the car washed, and then bought a birthday card for a friend.  The Rite-Aid looks like it's fixin' to close, as many shelves were empty...  we'll see.  Three employees chatted at the counter, while I used self-pay.  Hmmmm...

I got a load of sheets and towels in the wash.  At lunch we watched the last half of Murder in Venice, the last one of the "new" Poirot series starring Kenneth Branagh.  (a fourth is in the making, per The Internet)  Dh really likes any Poirot episode, but Branagh's and David Suchet's renditions are his favorite.  Next he has queued up: Waking Ned Devine!  (again!)  Great film!

nursej22, hope your sis's bronch news is good.  It strikes me that mostly Propofol is used now for short procedures, and it wears off so quickly!

No Stars, I hope Nannie slept all afternoon for ya.  How nice to get some rain! 

Joe, I hope you have a good weekend.  Stuffed mushrooms sound delicious for the potluck!

londonflo, I wonder if the bacon has just enough fat AND fiber to move things through the feline digestive tract?!  Thanks for the tip!

Have a good evening!

Specializes in Med-Surg.


J22, hope your sister's bronch went okay.

Bacon has no fiber so it must be the fat.  But low carb eaters can rejoice it has no carbs.  LOL.  I love bacon.

Stars, I live alone and get annoyed at this messy house.  LOL

Slowbro seemed to not have vomited since that one episode night before last.  Fingers crossed.




Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.
Tweety said:


Bacon has no fiber so it must be the fat.  But low carb eaters can rejoice it has no carbs.  LOL.  I love bacon.

---- Haha, yup, no fiber!  Must be the Special Tasty Bacon Fat that contains all the magic.  🙂

Slowbro seemed to not have vomited since that one episode night before last.  Fingers crossed.

-----Hope he continues to improve.





Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

As usual we are watching HGTV; LOTS of reruns.....the one on now is the third or fourth time we've seen it, but since Nannie doesn't remember much of anything, I am letting it run and rerun. I keep myself busy on-line, or doing a crossword puzzle, so I don't jump up and disappear shrieking, upstairs for the remainder of the night and leave her to her own mental fogs, smogs, doin's, and don'ts.

Earlier tonight she was driving me cray-cray.....I'm tellin' ya: DON'T watch the news with her: 🤨 "Now who is that?", "What did he just say?", "What is going on there?", "Why are they upset about that?", "Do we, are we supposed to go there? Are they expecting us tonight?"<< She asked that after a commercial for sales going on at ROOMS TO GO.

It's one of the reasons I am glad we can't get the channel that the baseball games are on, because ya just can't enjoy ANYTHING for having to answer all her questions. I have to think about how to make explanations short, while not being rude, but I know there's no sense in answering or explaining something completely, because what I answer will lead to more questions! Especially the ads that are negative political spots against candidates, and she wants to know WHY? 🤔 I also have fallen back on the good ol' ever-popular "I don't know."

12 minutes until her bedtime!!😁😀😴

Specializes in Med/Surg.

dianah, I enjoy the new Poirot shows, too. And need to rewatch Waking Ned Devine!

There were 6 patients on the floor today. Even though there were 2 nurses and an aide, it fell to me to do an outpatient EKG and an outpatient blood transfusion. Not that I mind doing it, but it irked me a little bit while I'm trying to get these CMS reports done. Anyway, Happy Fri-yay.

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