Published May 26, 2015
12,646 Posts
A teacher found a pill in the parking lot in an unlabeled prescription bottle. I Googled it and it is Vyvanse, 50mg:
S489 50 mg Pill - Vyvanse 50 mg
No way of telling whose it is. It was found in the senior lot, no condensation on it, so it was probably dropped this morning.
We brought it to one of the APs.
What do you do in a case like this?
3,393 Posts
I'm guessing it's a student who brings it to school daily to take themselves. I would dispose of it.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
It could actually be a student who is under the care of a physician for eating issues. We aren't usually privy to that kind of information and we have no way to find out who it belongs to so I'd dispose of it as well.
I've found Ritalin . . . .I just disposed of it.
We do have 2 students with severe eating issues I'm aware of. One of them also has ADHD. We also have a huge "pill problem" here. The teacher didn't know what to do, nor did I. I have found antibiotics or Tylenol, but nothing like this yet.
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
I've been handed pills as well. If it doesn't match up to a pill I give in school and we haven't caught the student with it, nothing I or the administration can do specifically.
I have ramped up talking about prescription drug abuse this year in health class, especially about taking medication as directed and only the medication prescribed to you, not something prescribed to your friend.
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
I've gotten good at identifying pills i hate to say - i usually let it rest in my pill grave yard in my double locker until my next drop off at the police station. Chances are that you're not going to find out who it belongs to - but on the odd chance that someone comes sniffing around for it - i still have it for a little while.