Published Apr 19, 2010
14 Posts
I just wanted to start a thread for students entering BCTC's Fall 2010 ADN nursing program!!!
all questions comments welcome...
169 Posts
Congrads! Do you know what section for NR 115 you signed up for? I have met a couple of students of "our" class on campus but no one in my section yet. I have a bio professor who is a pre-nursing advisor who has given me the inside track about what to expect. I hope this is accurate so don't hunt me down if it turns out to be wrong! Seems like all the 100 nursing students meet together on Tuesday/Thursday for lecture. So whoever is listed for lecture is not the person teaching it, they all teach it one time or another. Clinical is on Wed. or Fri. so whatever day is listed as your 7-5 day is your clinical even though the clinical is listed as TBD. Congrads again and I hope to see you in the fall!
229 Posts
I am still waitlisted, but I am alternate number 8, so I am pretty hopeful about it all. I annoyed at having to wait until the last minute to register now though. I work full time, so it would have been nice to have a broad choice of class times and will now just have to settle for whatever is open still in the fall.
I hope that it works out for you to be in the program. That would be stressful to not know until last minute what to register for. Are you going to register for other gen. ed. classes and drop them if you get a spot in the program? What are you going to go into if the nursing program spot doesn't open up?
If a spot doesn't open up, I'll probably just take the GED and go to grad school for now. I have classmates who are in the nursing program now though that said it is 98% likely I will be in since they took over 20 alternates last year.
I'm in section J001, and I'm not looking forward to being on campus 3 days a week at 8am!!!!
I meant GRE, lol. I think I am beyond getting my GED.
Ha ha, I was kind of confused when you said GED! lol
So I was talking to some students tonight who are currently in the ADN program at Cooper and they said the program is having alot of problem, The NCLEX pass rates are dropping. I went to the Kentucky BON website and sure enough, the NCLEX pass rate for Cooper was 88% and a dismal 67% for Lawrenceburg. This scares me a little, I hope I can survive the program and pass the NCLEX. I keep hearing that some of the instructors are really incompetent and there is very poor communication in the department.
Woah, 67% for Lawrenceburg?? I mean, it is a new program so I understand that the kinks must be worked out so maybe that is why. I really pray this program won't kill me before I graduate!
5 Posts
Hi guys.
I had been accepted into BCTCS Fall of 2009 Nursing program. I'm so glad I didn't attend. The reason I didn't was I was lucky enough to take Micro over the summer with some ppl who were already in the nursing program there and I did not hear ONE good thing about it.
Main thing I heard was as to how UNorganized they were. Another was that the professors seriously contradict each other or a couple were known to not know their material and would kinda of be "learning it as they were teaching it." Again, I was the new fish & believe you me I had my ears wide open. I even heard a professor who knew a few of the students pretty good come up to the table while we were studying Micro and some of the conversation I heard was bad.
I cant say on the professors part but moreso on the programs part. This professor completely understood what the nursing students were going thru and this professor was appalled (sp?) I know 2 professors were leaving.
Another thing I heard ALOT of was that "they" had the attitude of if you can't do it somebody else will and there was really no feeling of someone "wanting" to help you.
I chose to go to Morehead state. You can apply 2 times a year. I go to the Mt Sterling location. I have no background in Nursing & I can honestly say I am learning alot, I feel like EVERYone I have come across so far has given me the feeling like they want me and everybody else in my class to suceed, and I am more than happy of my choice.
When I talk to my friends that I made in Micro from BCTCS, they are completely jealous of the "way" it is done at Morehead State. I had only about 30 ppl in my class and on the main campus in Morehead I believe they had about 30 as well.
I will tell you this: Be prepared! They will tell you that your life gets put on hold when you go into Nursing. They will tell you that after maybe your 2nd semester it is really hard to work (much less FT) while in nursing school. I am in my 30's and have maintained an A average on all of my prereq's (except for that stupid AP2 class LOL). What they say is true. I lived, breathed and ate Nursing info. It is an OVERwhelming amount of material. I am usually the type that doesn't have to read my textbook. Oh, well now I do, that's for sure. Dont get behind in your reading. OMGosh I sound like the professors now, but seriously. I have never in my life worked so hard for a B. I was in the top portion of the class. None of us got an A for the semester. Funny how many of us that bothered. And funny how once you get into the program, it is really no longer about the letter grade you get but moreso just becomes did you "pass" or "not pass". Oh & by the way, passing is higher than a 76% (may be 75% at BCTCS, I can remember what I was told by my friend, but it's one of the two for BCTCS as well).
Another thing that came to mind was my friend in Nursing at BCTCS telling me that the schedule you chose is not the only times you have to go to campus. There is a "media" something time that is weekly, that you HAVE to be there for that is not listed & they dont tell you about until day 1.
Another thing, was while I was doing clinicals I came across a girl I had been in a previous class a year or so back. She was in her 2nd semester and telling me how bad it was over there and how she was wondering if she would be able to transfer because where she works she sees alot of MSU students and any conversation she has had with them, they have never had a bad thing to say about the program.
Im not an advocate for either school. I am however a single mother who is working hard to get thru this program and had a couple of people ahead of me who I could turn to for insight on things. I hope that I have offered any info that someone can use. My recommendation: Over summer go ahead and get the book you need to have. If they sell it in a bundle and u cant buy it by itself, try getting the isbn and renting it from Also get a few of you together and buy the software program NCLEX 4000 and go over the fundamental questions. You will have to take Hesi at the end; let me go ahead and just tell you now....there is not any software or anything that you can buy that will assist you in that. The best thing is stay on that NCLEX 4000 as much as you can thruout the program. As many questions as you can expose yourself too the better. (Read the rational as to why stuff is wrong, that is the key in helping you learn.)
There is much more to Nursing than that one book in that one semester....You do ALOT of things at one time. Focus on being organized. Even moreso if you are a BCTCS student because I just feel that their UNorganization has caused a bit of problems for some good students.
To the one who is on the waiting list....Be proactive. My friend was on waiting list & she kept looking at the schedule online, noticing there were spots still open but when she would call and check they would say it was all full. I cant remember how she did it, but I remember she went higher up and kept on and kept on and finally she got in. She didn't bully her way in. This lady is Mary Poppins nice. But there were spots open and she just wanted to know why she was being denied. They finally let her in like 4 days late and "expected" her to know everything. She felt "gosh they could have caught her up a little." But after we talked to others in the program, even those who started on day one was clueless and not informed how they should have been.
Also, these comments that I have made from others are not from those that typically B&C and whine about stuff, these are people that I have seen that are hard workers. So please listen & learn from stuff those before you have gone thru.
Another tidbit: Most of you have prob taken Micro, but if not try to get Dr Otis. He is a little quirky at times, but he has a passion for what he teaches and you will know exactly what to expect on your tests. Unlike nursing where everything is fair game. LOL
Good luck you guys. Once you are a nursing student it seems like we all have a mutual understanding as to what we all are going thru no matter what school you go to. (But, if you are undecided in a school and are reading this, may I HIGHLY recommend MSU. LOL)
3 Posts
Congratulations everyone! I am set to start this fall and I have my clinical day on Wednesday. Has anyone gotten any more information regarding what we need to have/have completed beyond the note from Emily in blackboard? I was told initially that after we turned in our acceptance paperwork that we would receive a packet with all the information about our books, scrubs, what they expect us to do over the summer (reading, etc) and immunization information. So far, I haven't heard anything except about immunizations and that brief note in blackboard...