For mrsraisinkain

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


I just wanted to wish you "good luck" on your first day of school Tuesday. I have clinicals tomorrow, so I wanted to wish you luck ahead of time before I got too busy. I hope you have a great day!


Specializes in Hospice.

Oh, tomorrow I have a checkoff on on demonstrating catheters. We only have one try and if we don't do it we have to be re-educated and have to make up the lab during finals week. I'm very nervous because (obviously) it's not really something I can practice very well at home. Some people in my class have been lucky enough to be able to place catheters are clinicals already and I'm so jealous!

I know it's probably too late to help you but when I had to do my catheter check-off, this youtube video really helped me a lot

We got to take home a kit for practice although it's hard to do without a mannequin since you can't practice on a real person at home lol. Our school was so strict about our check-offs. If we failed the first time on any of our skills we had to remediate and had one chance to pass a second time. If we failed then supposedly we'd be out of the program. I didn't pass the catheter the first time but I did the second time and this video really helped. It was just about identical to how we were supposed to do it. I haven't had to insert one into a patient yet. We did each get to use the glucometer on a patient so that was cool. Our clinicals for this quarter are over so I'm enjoying my break. The first quarter was stressful and our clinical instructor was very hard on us.

There is always something that we can be put out of the program for in my school. If we don't pass the ATI exam by the second time, we're out (we have about 4 or 5 over the course of the year-long program). If we don't pass clinicals, we're out. It doesn't matter if you make good grades. Not passing these things could easily put you out. So I could make it as far as the third quarter and then fail out if I don't pass the ATI given at that time. We don't have one next quarter luckily but I'm sure there will be plenty of ways to fail out in that quarter as well. I'm trying to think positive and not worry about it. I can just do my best and hope that it's good enough.

Good luck on the rest of your skills check-offs and let us know how you did.

Oh, tomorrow I have a checkoff on on demonstrating catheters. We only have one try and if we don't do it we have to be re-educated and have to make up the lab during finals week. I'm very nervous because (obviously) it's not really something I can practice very well at home. Some people in my class have been lucky enough to be able to place catheters are clinicals already and I'm so jealous!
Specializes in Hospice.

Well, I did very well on my check-off for catheters. And then the following Tuesday (last Tuesday) I actually got to do a catheter on a male patient at the nursing home. I was very nervous but was able to hide it, do the procedure quickly and smoothly, and I don't think I caused my patient too much discomfort for very long. At least I hope not. I've been having a great time at clinicals, giving insulin injections, removing staples from incisions, and learning all kinds of new skills. (I did NOT like doing the stool specimen collection though.)

I only have a couple of more weeks in this term. I have an A&P test this Wednesday over the urinary system, fluid and electrolyte balance, and acids and bases. It's a whole lot of information to learn at once but I HAVE to do really well on this test or I will fail the class.

I did take my math final already. We had to get an 85% to pass -- and I got a 100! I couldn't believe it. I'm glad I'm done with math but unfortunately it doesn't really lighten my schedule that much. I am counting down the days until I get my 2 weeks off between terms.

Bye for now everybody!

Specializes in Hospice.

The last test I took in A&P was on the urinary system, fluid and electrolyte balance and acids and bases. I got an 87 on the test and pulled my grade up to a 78% -- which is passing! Now I just have to pass the final and I will pass the class. In my nursing 100 class I just have to get about 17% on the final to pass it. I'm not too worried. Well, wish me luck again. This is finals week, tomorrow is my last clinical day for this term. After Friday I will be off until August 4th and God willing I will be a 2nd term PN student!!

Good luck on your A&P final! I'm sure you'll do awesome. Thanks for all your posts. I love coming back to this thread and reading it.

Specializes in Hospice.

Ok, finals week is over. And I am exhausted!!

In my Nursing 100 class I got an 82% on my finals and ended up with a 90.5% in the class, which is a B.

In my Nursing Concepts class I got a 92% on the final and ended up with a 96% in the class (woo-hoo my only A!)

I got a 96% on my Psychology final but I don't yet know my final grade in the class but I'm sure it's a B.

I have no idea my grade on my nutrition final but I think I did ok because 40 points of it was a project to take home and the in-class portion was only worth 10 points.

And... I have to wait until Monday to find out my A&P final grade... that's the one I'm sick to my stomach to find out. I need to start planning whether or not I am going to have to repeat the class before I can continue on to term 2.

I'll post when I find out that grade. Meanwhile I'm on pins and needles. I'll just have to entertain myself on allnurses until then!

Specializes in Hospice.

Ok guess what...

I need 155 points out of 200 on my A&P final to pass the class..

I got a 156!!!!


WOW!!! You cut that pretty close! Glad that you passed. AWESOME!!! :yeah:

Specializes in Hospice.

I'm digging up a REALLY old thread. I just wanted to say that I graduated school in April. I took my boards on June 26th and was posted on the Ohio Board of Nursing Website on June 29th with an LPN license number. Finally, I am a nurse!

Now the struggle to find a job begins.

I really want to thank everybody that has given me support and listened to me complain through this long year of school!!!

OMg :dancgrp:Congrats momma I wish you all the best and so much more you are inspiration to all us that's trying to make it through nursing school.Please keep os poted on your job hunt.

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