For experienced nurses, can you honestly encourage anyone to enter nursing?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. For experienced nurses, can you honestly encourage anyone to enter nursing?

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For experienced nurses, can you honestly and with 100% conviction encourage someone to become a nurse?

Actually, I did this just the other day. I work for a large corporation in a fairly "glamorous" industry (travel) which has nothing to do with anything medical, but was asked to give a presentation last week for "Take Your Children To School" Day.

I threw together a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation complete with photos entitled "Nursing: The Hospital and Beyond" and talked to about 35 kids, ages 6 - 16, concentrating on non-traditional nursing jobs and emphasizing the variety of specialty areas and kinds of jobs available. Each presenter had to write 3 questions on their own content, as the kids were "tested" on presenter info at the end of the day, with highest scores getting prizes. One of mine:

People become nurses because:

a. they couldn't get into medical school

b. they watch too much "ER"

c. they think they look good in white

d. endless variety of jobs and specialty areas available!

The talk went over pretty well. Never too soon to start recruiting our young! ;)

Originally posted by Stargazer

One of mine:

People become nurses because:

a. they couldn't get into medical school

b. they watch too much "ER"

c. they think they look good in white

d. endless variety of jobs and specialty areas available!

Everyone I know would probably say B ~:roll :rolleyes:

E.there mother did it

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