Published Feb 13, 2012
377 Posts
If you remember this thread:
So I confronted her (professionally) and asked her why she decided to go to management. She tells me that I was wrong and that it's between my manager and me if I got in trouble. She still holds to the fact that I did not give her report, she says well you walked away without giving me report. I say that I had turned away not realizing report had not been given but as soon as she asked me about report I apologized and gave report. Then she says well all you did was ask the doctor what the patient came in for and repeated that back to me. I tell her that's not true and that I told her as much as I could about the patient (as that the patient was really only in my care for about 10 minutes) Then she says that I need to stop using that as an excuse. I then tell her that before I could finish telling her that I had changed patient, drawn labs, put an IV, placed pt on cardiac monitor she got so upset that I could not finish giving her report. She keeps going on about how she recieved ''no report'' and that I should've not accepted the patient from the main ED nurse without ''full report'' Nevermind the patient was in that nurses care for about 5 minutes.
Anyway this co-worker is really a head case. My other co-workers told me not to bother with it, she's just full of herself like that. I thought she would atleast own up to giving me an attitude or reporting me, BUT get this she then tells me ''other people don't get people in trouble, people get themselves in trouble'' Like really????? wow, smdh. I've dealt with arrogant people, but this may take the cake.
And also something I thought was funny as I was confronting her, one of the doctor's cuts into our conversation and says (about me) "This nurse is one of the best nurses here, seriously excellent nurse) (he was referring to a difficult case he had that shift and was thanking me for my help) She then just stood there silent with a ''whatever'' look on her face. LOL!
Guttercat, ASN, RN
1,353 Posts
If you remember this thread: And also something I thought was funny as I was confronting her, one of the doctor's cuts into our conversation and says (about me) "This nurse is one of the best nurses here, seriously excellent nurse) (he was referring to a difficult case he had that shift and was thanking me for my help) She then just stood there silent with a ''whatever'' look on her face. LOL!
At that point I would've turned slowly toward her, leveled a deadly serious glare iced with a thin smirk, and then walked off without saying a word.
She messed with you, because you were an easy target. You were attempting to be reasonable and she mistook this for weakness.
Some people can't be reasoned with, and they will eventually do their own selves in.
Don't waste any more of your precious time worrying about her.
P.S, a "reasonable person" would have engaged in problem-solving conversation with you in a constructive manner, such as, "well, how can we approach our communication in the future when giving and receiving report?"
See the difference?
Punt her.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
while she's right that it's between you and your manager whether she got into trouble, this whole episode sounds like much ado about nothing.
Creamsoda, ASN, RN
728 Posts
She sounds like a witch. With a capital B. So its clear she truely is an arrogant headcase. Its clear that you know where you stand. You didnt get in trouble, the docs stood up for you, so I wouldnt give it another thought. But I am one to be somewhat petty, so what I would do in the future, is give her the most drawn out, detailed but boring reports. Talk like your talking to a 5 year old. Lord seriously.
131 Posts
people like that if one gives him or her enough rope he or she will hag themselves. just remember documentation, documentation, and documentation