(VENT) So last shift one of my fellow nurses decides to make a huge scene during change of shift report.
It's about time for shift change and I see her walking into the unit and she walks past me doesn't say hello. I figure she probably didn't see me or was having a bad day.
Rewind back to my night: It was a rough night in the trauma bay, charge nurse finally pulled an extra nurse to relieve me (late around 3pm) and cover the 1 patient remaining in trauma since it was quieting down just so I could take a break, grab something to eat etc..
So now I come back to the unit around 3:30 (cut my break in half because I wanted to make sure everything was ok, etc..) and there's a new patient in the trauma bay who we start working on.
It's about 3:50p when a nurse from the main ER comes in and tells us (the 3 of us RN's that are standing next to one another looking up patient info on the computer) that a patient who recently came from triage will be coming into the bay due to hypotension, tachycardia.
The patient who is relatively stable, yet needs critical observation arrives in the bay around 3:55p close to 4p. We get him undressed and and plug him in, hook him up to the monitor, MD's arent even here yet.
The oncoming RN is now in the bay, she is the only RN for the bay. There are supposed to be 2 RN's in the bay. I finish up drawing labs on the new patient and turn to give her report. I ask her if she's the only nurse for the bay and she says that they always put her in there by herself, she also seemed just less talkative than usual and I change the subject and start to give her report.
I finish giving her report then the other bay nurse gives her report on her patient. I turn around to do something then she walks towards me and (with an attitude) says "Is someone gonna give me report on this guy???!!!) (the new patient in the bay) I quickly apologize as that I thought the last nurse mentioned what the patient came in for.
I then tell her that the patient came into the trauma bay in the last 10 minutes and what he came for and all the info I knew on the patient, but that we didn't have much info on him besides his vitals and his wife's account of what happened.
She then gets mad and asks me if I got report on this patient. I was so shocked by her attitude I said well we all took report on him and that all I knew was what he was here for. She then yells at me to go get the nurse who took report (mind you it's about 10 past 4pm and all the other RNs have left) I again apologize for not knowing more about the patient, but she keeps going off that there were 2 nurses before she came in and that I would here about this the next day.
By this time the MD's are now in the room to see the patient and even the attending had to defend me and tells her that the patient just got here and they didn't know much either. She then stops in her tracks, speechless for a moment then says "yeah but the patient wasn't triaged (which later was found to be not true) Turns out they were going to cardiovert the new patient, plus my original patient who had to be cardioverted, plus the lethargic patient on the other side of the bay. So she was coming onto 3 patients.
I believe she knew she was coming onto a hectic situation and was upset.
Turns out she reports me to her supervisor who tells the charge to speak to me the next day. She said that she recieved absolutely NO REPORT, and that I had left the bay without giving her any report on the patient. The charge (who I'm sure was more than happy to write me up) pulls me aside and tells me she has no choice but to write me up. She then stops herself mid-sentence and says "Oh but let me hear your side of the story first" I then tell her my side (mind you she also happened to walk into the trauma bay at the same time the new patient was pushed in, so she knew the patient came in around change of shift, anyway) She then decides she could no longer write me up.
I'm just shocked because this is a nurse I had sought advice from when I was starting out as a trauma nurse. She was very helpful and guided me. We would even vent to one another. I understand that they threw her in the bay by herself, or maybe she was frustrated that there were some missing pieces but darn, why did she try to get me in trouble? If this was one of the other evening nurses I wouldn't be surprised but she took me by surprise, can't believe she did that. Sigh.