Published Jun 21, 2009
66 Posts
Hi! I'm wondering if anyone could direct me to where I could find some information about foley catheters in use as a gastrostomy tube. I can find plenty of resources for the catheter itself,but not as a gastro tube..... Any help appreciated. Thanks!:typing
38,333 Posts
I've seen this done but can't recall ever seeing anything in the literature about it.
Well I am able to locate some websites that have case studies on it but thats about it. However, thanks for the reply!:typing
421 Posts
I'm sure you are talking about G-tubes that are replaceable by nurses. They have a balloon inside, like a foley catheter, but they aren't foley catheters.
They are simply g-tubes that can be removed by a nurse (LPN in MS) by deflating the balloon, and then immediately putting a new g-tube into the opening, inflating the catheter, etc.
Well, I'm not sure....:uhoh21: We were given a list of tubes and are supposed to research them, as well as provide info and illustrations. The list says "Foley catheter as a gastrostomy tube." Most of the info I find indicates that a foley cath can be used to preserve the tract in case a g-tube is inadvertently removed. The only other things I can find are case studies and I would be leery to give my advisors anything of that nature. Maybe I should just present the info pertaining to the emergency procedure? That might be just what they are looking for.......They do tend to be
I saw an actual foley catheter being used permanently as a g-tube in two cases. The order actually read as such.
Hmmm....Well I guess all I can do is present the info that I can find and hope for the best. I wish I could find something solid on it though...
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
when i worked in a nursing home we often used foley catheters as replacements for gastrostomy tubes that patients might have pulled out because it was all we had available. try googling gastrostomy tubes and read what the different manufacturer specs are on gastrostomy tubes. you will probably find that actual gastrostomy tubes are made with different materials that are more resistant to the acids in the stomach (just my guess). urine is not as acidic as gi secretions. gastrostomy tubes are usually a bit thicker than foley catheter tubes.
13 Posts
Foleys can be used as an emergency measure to keep a tract open, but should not be used for feeding.
Besdies the fact that foleys are not manufactured for this purpose, they do not have a retention device to keep the tube in tthe correct position with the balloon at the entrance to the tract - this has led to problems with leakage out of the stoma onto the skin - as well as a possibility of the catheter migrating.
I know in the UK they used to be used on infants, but that was quite some time ago, and I think that it is not considered safe practice any more.
Iwould say emergency useonly -hopefully that is what they are after.
Just found this info which backs up why they should not be used
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
We have done this, but as an emergency measure to keep the stoma patent when someone disoriented removes it. Usually a 22 French'll do.
Spacklehead, MSN, NP
620 Posts
The ER docs would put in foleys if a nursing home patient came to us after pulling out their tube. After they left us, I have no idea what they did with them after that, sorry!