Published Jan 27, 2014
coughdrop.2.go, BSN, RN
1 Article; 709 Posts
So how is everyone dealing with the Flu this season? Letters home? Stocking up on Lysol? Face masks everywhere you go???!!! I currently have 3 hospital-confirmed cases of H1N1 out of 2 schools and several more regular ole' flu cases. I have my boxes of Kleenex and Super Sani-Cloths to hold me down until the end of the season. Anyone else out there feeling the flu blues?
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
I am feeling the acute gastroenteritis blues. I am tired of sending home vomiting children and spraying down any surface that child has touched.
For cleaning, my school invested in Virex II 256 for my office, and any blood or vomit clean-ups. We are crazy about cleaning as apparently the stomach "bug" was rampant here a few years back. Not too many cases of the flu, thank goodness, but my vaccination push/flyer this fall seem to have helped increase the number of students getting the flu vaccine this year, so maybe I am doing something right :).
87 Posts
I had clinical yesterday and we were all sent to local school nurse's office to help them and experience life as a nurse outside of the hospital (pretty great idea actually). Before school even started the nurse sent 9 kids home because of flu-like symptoms and by lunch another 7. This was a school with 1500+ kids - and it seemed like a lot of them were sent to school because the parents forced them. I felt so bad that there were only two nurses for that many kids and that many illnesses.
I have to say after our rotation there yesterday I am thoroughly impressed with the job school nurses do. It wasn't something I ever gave much thought because I didn't think it would be busy enough - but it was actually REALLY fun and interesting. You get to do it all! You get to be a counselor, an educator, an investigator, and so much more. A lot of the kids at this school lacked parental guidance and care, but the nurse more than picked up the slack for that. I could tell the two women that worked there really loved their job and they really cared for the kids. It was an amazing experience.
Thank you ladies for all that you do, because it sure may not be recognized by all- but walking in your shoes for a day is tough work!
Thank you studentrn313! Your kind words really lifted my spirits especially since yesterday I had so many crazy things happening with sick students and staff. We even had an EMS call at one of the schools! It was an exhausting day and by the time I got home I realized I didn't even take a lunch break
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,678 Posts
As an aside, I attended an event held in our building the other night....Just before things started, a mom carrying a toddler came out headed for the bathroom, the kid had upchucked ALL OVER himself. After he was all cleaned up they brought him back into the auditorium....the grandparent? came out later and asked for a plastic bag "just in case".
It was politely suggested that maybe they might not want to expose anyone else to the bug.... fell on DEAF ears....
People are so self absorbed....
I know for a fact that
a) they lived locally
b) not the first time the event was witnessed (theatre production)
c) there was more than one adult, the child in the production would have had an audience member
Aye yay yay ~
pookyp, LPN
1,074 Posts
As an aside I attended an event held in our building the other night....Just before things started, a mom carrying a toddler came out headed for the bathroom, the kid had upchucked ALL OVER himself. After he was all cleaned up they brought him back into the auditorium....the grandparent? came out later and asked for a plastic bag "just in case". It was politely suggested that maybe they might not want to expose anyone else to the bug.... fell on DEAF ears.... People are so self absorbed.... I know for a fact that a) they lived locally b) not the first time the event was witnessed (theatre production) c) there was more than one adult, the child in the production would have had an audience member Aye yay yay ~[/quote']So inconsiderate. Smh
So inconsiderate. Smh