Flow Rate Calculation Problem


Hi everyone,

I have managed to get up to chapter 18 of math for meds until I ran into a problem. I don't actuall start school until tuesday so I don't have a teacher to ask yet. I need to figure out the gtt/min for the following question;

An IV of 500 mL is to infuse at 120 mL/hr using a 20 gtt/mL calibrated set. ( pg 281 math for meds 10th edition)

Using the formula Volume X Set Calibration 120 mL X 20 gtt/min

----------------------- -------------------

Time ( 60 min or less) 60 min

I get a rate of 40 gtt/min. The book shows the answer as 83 gtt/min

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks !


I did 120mL * 20 gtt/mL / 60 minutes and got 40 gtts/min. This is the way I was taught in clinical math....Not sure where the 83 gtts/min is coming from?

I don't know either, I am not sure if there is an error in the book since I cannot find an errata sheet from the publisher. Four out of the ten of these questions come out with numbers that seem completly wrong.

Specializes in IMCU.

You are correct the answer is 40 gtt/min.

The book is wrong.

Specializes in Home Care.
Hi everyone,

I have managed to get up to chapter 18 of math for meds until I ran into a problem. I don't actuall start school until tuesday so I don't have a teacher to ask yet. I need to figure out the gtt/min for the following question;

An IV of 500 mL is to infuse at 120 mL/hr using a 20 gtt/mL calibrated set. ( pg 281 math for meds 10th edition)

Using the formula Volume X Set Calibration 120 mL X 20 gtt/min

----------------------- -------------------

Time ( 60 min or less) 60 min

I get a rate of 40 gtt/min. The book shows the answer as 83 gtt/min

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks !


(500ml / 120ml )x 20gtt = 83

You can't always trust the book LOL

But 120 / 60 x 20 = 40 is the correct calculation.

Thank you for the help everyone!

I thought the book might be wrong, but with my *LIMITED* (less then one week) doing this, I just had no way of being sure.

Specializes in mental health.

You're gonna see a lot of this. In real life you're gonna have to be comfortable enough with the math to correct/stop someone who is making a mistake.

Good point! I guess I expected the text book to be better then real life. :D

Specializes in IMCU.

That particular chapter had a few errors.


That particular chapter had a few errors.

I counted 5 of them.....In a row. I am very supprised that for a book on such an important topic they do not maintain an online corrections sheet, they are common on technical books of a much less important nature.

Specializes in 19 yrs CNA.

I got the same answer 40gtts/min. :yeah:

Specializes in IMCU.

I am sure, if I could be bothered, I could contact the publisher.

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