FIU Generic BSN 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone!

I'm not sure if there is another thread for FIU's 2014 generic BSN program, but I figured I'd make one. I just wanted to see if there was anyone else who applied? I finished applying about a week ago and I was hoping maybe someone in the program could give us some advice or insight on how they like the program.

Thanks! And good luck everyone!!

Lol yes. I'm not too familiar with the school I just know where the library is. You can't miss that building lol

Lmao! True, the library is huge! Well i dont know how to send a private message here so, here is my # 786 301 9813.

Haha I agree! What time? 7:30? 7:45?

Sure! I live like 5 mins from there so i'll be there around 7:30

Hey guys! Omg so imo the orientation was so stressful. All that information and the girls talking about their mental breakdowns :arghh: And all that talk about 7 chapters per class! Exciting but stressful. So I'm posting here again because I have a hard decision to make and I would love 2 hear your opinions. I'm admitted into Nova and FIU. If I get the Baptist scholarship IDK what I'm going to do :no:. What do you guys think? Should I go with the scholarship and run or stay in FIU?? help in in a crossroadddd

I'm in your same position I was admitted to Nova and FIU but I recently had my Baptist interview, not sure how that went 50/50 I say... Anyway, I was more impressed and have been with FIU than I have been with Nova, if I don't get the scholarship then it is an easy decision to go with FIU, at the same time that scholarship from Baptist is very hard to pass up, mostly since you are almost guaranteed a job on graduation unless you are just terrible.

I hear you, but I also think you need a perspective. I've been hearing about this baptist scholarship for quiet a while, and every time I hear about it, it sounds like the contract that I signed when I joined the military. The baptist scholarship offer to pay for you cost of going to school and in turn, you have to work for them for three years. That sounds like the same pitch the naval officers were tossing at us, but watered down. If I had to choose, I would take the navy offer due to the fact that it's a 100x better that the baptist scholarship, and this is coming from a person who use to be in the military. Till this day, I am still reaping off my military service benefits. Free Medicare, and they are practically paying for the entire FIU bsn program and I've been out the military for 2 years now, using my Gi bill wisely. But one big difference that I feel they didn't elaborate on is the fact the you joining in as a officer which is 1000x better than enlisted.And as for the curriculum, I've learned that thing are never as bad as they seem when you have friends who are experiencing the same thing.

Specializes in ICU.

Hey guys! Has your status changed to admitted to BSN on myfiu? My hasn't... :(

I called earlier and they're still working on it :) don't worry, mine hasn't changed either

Specializes in ICU.

Thanks for responding! I hope they fix it soon because we can't apply for scholarships until we are enrolled in classes. :(

Nope, I'm still under the Biology major.

I was in your same spot a few weeks ago, and I went to the interview for baptist and did horrible...I got too nervous and went blank in the questions so, I didn't get the scholarship. However, I heard that they pay you like $12 an hr. IDK if that is the case for sure...ask everything before you sign any papers, bc if that's the case I'm glad I didn't get it, I prefer to have a little debt but get payed like a nurse and pay it off as I go, than getting paid so little with a 3 year contract. BTW Nova is also 27 months..think about that and twice as expensive. I choose FIU and I'm glad I did. I'm not trying to convince you, just saying what I think. Good luck.

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