FIU Generic BSN 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone!

I'm not sure if there is another thread for FIU's 2014 generic BSN program, but I figured I'd make one. I just wanted to see if there was anyone else who applied? I finished applying about a week ago and I was hoping maybe someone in the program could give us some advice or insight on how they like the program.

Thanks! And good luck everyone!!

I'm having issues signing up for the actual orientation too! I took the virtual one, but that's it. It's being weird!! Any help would be appreciated! Can't wait to see everyone on June 10th!

Do we have to do the virtual orientation??!! and then go the actual orientation? Im so confused.

I know!! I'm soo confused...

Do we have to do the virtual orientation??!! and then go the actual orientation? Im so confused.

Yeah, you take the virtual one and then you pay $35 for the real one.... i think

I read about the virtual one on my myfiu and I think the virtual one once you are done you register for the actual one, but I thought we were invited June 10th? we don't need to register...I think the virtual one is just for every new student. I think, I'm not sure..

I found this on the fiu website under orientations for transfer students.

Is Transfer Orientation mandatory?

Transfer Orientation is strongly recommended for new students. Please note that advisors from some academic programs will only see new students at Orientation, therefore, students in those programs must attend in order to talk to an advisor. Also, even though you’ve attended college already, FIU has many particular policies, requirements, services, and resources that you may not be familiar with, and these will be covered through Transfer Orientation.

so it's not mandatory I think.

The one on june 10th it is since we got an email saying we MUST go.

Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Meeting up lol

Anyone know how long more or less the orientation is?

From 8am to 1pm

I just called fiu, the nursing department and asked and they dont even know what a virtual orientation. Tomorrow they will tell us everything about everything guys, so don't worry! See you guys there!

Lets meet up!! Im gonna be wearing a white top..

I'm not sure what I'm wearing yet, but we should pick a place. I think it'll be easier for everyone

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