Published Dec 17, 2005
32 Posts
My first day out on my own is going to be on Tuesday. 7a-7p and all me. I've had a good education, and a great preceptor who has weened me away. But still it's the fact that I'll be alone, all problems come to me!!! I think I can handle it and I know that my fellow nurses on my floor won't let me drown. It's just the simple fact that I'm alone. I'm hoping for a good day. But I wanted to find out how all of you new grads are feeling about this subject yourselves, and a few words of encouragment from you ole' pros wouldn't hurt either
898 Posts
Just remember that even though you are off of orientation, you are still learning.
Dont be afraid to ask questions if you dont know something, or to get help if you need it. Dont ever do something you are not sure about.
Everyone on your floor knows you are a new nurse (at least I hope they do) and they expect questions and should welcome questions.
Its a scary but liberating experience to be on your own, and over time you will come to love it.
Best of luck :)
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
Start out with a basic plan or outline of what you will need to be doing for the day. Run a list in your mind of the things you need to accomplish by the end of the shift and mentally cross them off as you do them. It's OK to write them on your brains if you want. Remember that going to the chart to review doctor's orders should always be done before you make some of your decisions. Don't let people bully you into doing something that you otherwise wouldn't do. If a red flag seems to be going off in your mind, trust your instinct and stop to double check what you are doing. There are plenty of other nurses around to collaborate with if you have questions.
just a update, this week went very well. It was hard doing 3 12's in a row but i made it through. My main thing is the little things, like making sure all my orders are done, (I mean I catch the big stuff but it's those little last minute things) I'm sure all that will come in time.Thanks so much for all the advice. I'm sure i'll have another problem real soon that I'll need help on, LOL, well thanks and wish me luck:idea:
DCCCRNn2005. . .good for you. Now, before you go back, you should sit down while you are unstressed and can think a bit clearer and make a written list of those little things, such as making sure all your orders are done. Keep that list on a clipboard or whatever you chose to carry with you while you're at the job, so you can refer to it. This way you will have this list to look at and go through quickly to make sure you've hit everything on it that you should have addressed. As you say, it will all come in time, but for now don't leave anything to chance. You'll come away from work less stressed.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
Best wishes to you!!
Adam D. RN2005
151 Posts
I was nervous my first day without the umbillical cord. But my fellow RN's were there and kept on giving me positive reinforcment. And you will will do fine. May the Force be with you, and good luck!!
Adam, RN
483 Posts
I was nervous my first day without the umbillical cord. But my fellow RN's were there and kept on giving me positive reinforcment. And you will will do fine. May the Force be with you, and good luck!!Adam, RN
Funny Adam!
perfectbluebuildings, BSN, RN
1,016 Posts
I felt lonely my first day without a preceptor, and totally freaked out but it wasn't as bad as I'd imagined, and like everyone is saying, (in most places) you are never alone and never without someone to turn to for help or advice. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP when you get behind or confused or something... this has been my downfall, don't fall into it! And don't be afraid to ask other nurses questions about how to do something if you're not sure (then write it down for the next time). But you know, I'd never have believed that being on my own only since September, I'd be this much more confident and able to make nursing decisions on my own. But no one knows everything and everyone always asks each other for help, at least on my floor. Nursing is a team effort and hopefully if your orientation experience has been good, it'll carry over and these same people who helped you then will never leave you stranded!!!
OK my "rambling days" on this thread are finally done. GOOD LUCK I am glad your first week went well!! Keep us posted!!!
142 Posts
I've had 5 1/2 weeks floor orientation for a medsurg dayshift position, and I convinced my preceptor to give me one more week. So yes, 3 more days and then I'm on my own. Yikes! :uhoh21:
I better take full advantage this last week... =)
10 Posts
You will be fine....The night before my 1st day I cried all nite long, couldnt sleep and was running to the bathroom every 15 minutes!! ANd it turned out to be a great day!!! Good luck, and just remember to document, document, document!!