Published Aug 10, 2008
206 Posts
I need a bit of advice from anyone that can help lead me in the right direction. This may be a bit long, so please bear with me.
I work at a fairly small LTC. My father in PA is actively dying, in ICU, and probably won't make this week. I requested time off, granted, on short notice, early last week, i believe it was Tuesday. I was off until Fri, which would be a double shift for me, Saturday which was a single, and Sunday which was another double. I was granted off until this coming Monday at three pm and planned on returning for that 3-11 shift.
Thursday past, i called work to again make sure that I was off the schedule for this weekend. At that time I was told that I was on the schedule for this coming Monday at three. I said great, I would return to FL Sunday sometime, not yet having booked my return flight.
Today I got a phone call at home, after having just gotten in the door and was told that I was seen in FL by a co-worker while I was supposed to be in PA, and I was needed at work this afternoon for a double shift, 3-11 and 11-7. I expalined to my supervisor that I had JUST walked in the door, and was not in FL this week, but my s/o was using my vehicle, which may have been seen by someone, and that NO I couldn't come in to work until Monday, as I haven't slept since Friday on the plane to PA, and a half hour nap on Saturday. This has been a bad week for me, as the s/o and myself drove to PA last tuesday after I heard that I had off until next Monday, and I only returned to bring the s/o home to go to work, and double check that I was indeed off the schedule for this weekend, before flying back and sitting at my father's bedside while he was in the dying process.
Long story short, I don't feel as if I'm in any any shape to work after not sleeping, and that I can't pass meds and give insulins while in this condition. Also, i WAS given off until Monday, but due to THEIR mistake, was put on shcedule for a double shift today.
I was told that if I didn't show, I was fired. I told them fine, I'm fired, I can't be in. Any one have any words of encouragement or advice at this point? Thanks in advance everyone.
One Shot
14 Posts
Wow employers can be dweebs at times. I would keep a copy of the baggage ticket (if you checked your bags at the airline) or your ticket stub, and go ahead and show up for work on Monday with the proof in hand. In the meantime, take several deep breaths, pray for your dad, and get some rest.
(hugs) 'cause I know you are stressing right now.
FireStarterRN, BSN, RN
3,824 Posts
All I can say is, Wow! Your workplace sounds heartless and your managers extremly shortsighted. You sound emotionally drained and I'm sure you need more time off after going through all this stress!
I'm soo sorry for your impending loss of your dear father. :redbeathe You should be qualified under the family leave act, wouldn't you be? You need time off. If you need to find another job, I would think it would be no problem.
Your co-workers sound toxic too, reporting seeing you around town! Ugh!
thanks guys, I needed at least one positive reply, and as usual, you guys came thru. I'm a big tough guy, but right now i'm balling like a baby. I can't afford the job loss, as I spent money for bills and rent to get up there. I just can't believe I'm being fired, after telling them that I have witnesses as to me calling and knowing I was off schedule until Monday. I really am in No shape to try to work right now, and my DON knows it. This just sucks so bad.
328 Posts
Sounds like an open and shut wrongful termination case if you have all your proof saved.
John, I think you should go in there tomorrow with the DON and a union rep if you have one, a lawyer, or at least an advocate. Show your proof. They can't fire you for having all your ducks in a row.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
John, they're not going to fire you. They're trying to intimidate you into coming in because they're a bunch of idiots.
Call Monday early and ask if you should report to work as scheduled. I'm betting that the answer is yes.
And find yourself another job STAT. These heartless, cruel people don't deserve you.
I'm really sorry about your father, and the rest of this nonsense on top of it.
3,362 Posts
Your employers are animals. I'm sure if it was their relative, they'd have no time in getting a couple of weeks off. Anyhow, move on. Look for a new job.
I'm sorry about your father.
378 Posts
Try to get some rest and as the previous posts say show them your baggage ticket for proof. Sorry to here about your father, I know you are going through a tough time as I did when my father died when I was in junior high school. You do not need the added stress of worrying about your job :nono:SHAME!! on your employers for being so heartless.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
John, they're not going to fire you. They're trying to intimidate you into coming in because they're a bunch of idiots.Call Monday early and ask if you should report to work as scheduled. I'm betting that the answer is yes.And find yourself another job STAT. These heartless, cruel people don't deserve you.
i agree w/sue...
call tomorrow and ask if you are scheduled for 3pm.
they are taking advantage of your very vulnerable state.
stay firm in your end of the verbal contract.
i hope it works out for you but if it doesn't, you will be employable elsewhere.
keep your thoughts focused on your father right now, and no one/nothing else.
it will all play out in the end.
many loving hugs to you,
1,975 Posts
I'm so sorry they are putting you through additonal heartache and stress at such a terrible time in your life. Frankly, they sound like a bunch of sharks going in for the kill. Someone saw you in PA?! What are they 12 years old?!
I agree with Sue that they aren't going to fire you. This was just done to pressure and intimidate you into going into work today. I agree that if you call tomorrow they will say come in. Just DON'T SIGN anything. You did NOTHING wrong.
Take a copy of your ticket and baggage claim and make an appointment with the DON tomorrow. If you are in a union bring a rep with you. If they do fire you call a lawyer. You have a VERY good case. This is about as open and shut as it gets. And keep repeating you had the time off and won't put your patients in danger. EVER.
SHAME ON THEM. And even if they tell you to return tomorrow I'd look for another job pronto. Don't let them beat you down. Prayers to you and yours. Hugs.
thank you all so much. I can feel your positive thoughts, and it's making me feel much better. I'm going to sleep now, and calling them in the morning and seeing what happens. Thanks again everyone, I so appreciate you all!