Published May 29, 2015
mr cooper
57 Posts
I know I made mistakes and I won't deny it. None of them were medication errors. Some of the listed mistakes I had never heard about and I know I didnt do, others I totally own up too. I know my weak points and what I need to work on, mainly being able to deal with multiple administrative situations at once. When it comes to the clinical side, I am confident and have caught mistakes and patients that were getting worse. Anyways, I firmly believe it was a combination of "not being a good fit" combined with my errors that got me fired. In a way, it is a blessing since it was a toxic work environment to me. My main fear and anxiety is related to finding a new job. I have never been fired from anything before, so this is completely new. I was told by my manager that at 8 months I should have the skills developed to deal with the administrative situations. I feel that is totally unfair. You can't judge a career on the first 8 months. I mainly need support. I have gotten it from some friends, but I am so scared that I won't be able to find a job for a while :/
jadelpn, LPN, EMT-B
9 Articles; 4,800 Posts
I am sorry to hear of your job loss. The best thing you can do is make an appointment with a professional job coach and have them look at your resume, make some changes to have you stand out, and coach you on interview skills.
Best wishes!
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
"Not a good fit, but I learned a lot about (clinical specialty) in eight months and I'm looking forward to using that here (at job interview)."
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I am so scared that I won't be able to find a job for a while :/
Adele_Michal7, ASN, RN
893 Posts
Now that I see your location is San Francisco per your profile, I'm also scared you will not find another position for a long time unless you relocate.
There's jobs here.
And 1,000+ applications are submitted for each job opening in the very glutted SF Bay area. As a person with less than a year of experience whose employment was involuntarily terminated, the OP is not the most prime candidate on paper.
Well, I was trying to inject a note of positivity in an otherwise bleak thread. Lol.
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,380 Posts
You may feel it is "totally unfair", but it does not matter how you "feel". It is about job performance and perception. You say you "can't judge a career on the first 8 months". I would totally disagree with that statement. You can absolutely get a feel if a person is progressing or stagnant and their work ethic.
Bottom line is that is how the world works and you need to change and adapt more quickly than you have. Good luck!
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
Please elaborate on "not being able to deal with multiple administrative solutions at once". this is the crux of your dismissal.