FINALLY - I took NC1. . . .

Nursing Students Online Learning


and got a B! I am so happy and relieved. Now that I know the format of the tests I think I'll go through the rest quickly. At least I hope to. . . .

Took me one hour to finish it. I was surprised that I couldn't take a calculator in with me. :( At least it wasn't too heavy with calculations. LOL. I have to say that Lisa's notes helped alot. . .more so than anything else. Although there was some material on it that wasn't on Lisas notes or in the Chancellors study guide I used. I had to think back and try to visualize what I've seen nurses do at work. I also read through an NCLEX book that helped alot with strategies for taking those types of tests. . that helped tremendously. And the two practice exams that Excelsior offered were AWESOME!!! I highly recommend those!

Who is next. . . Chris?? Have you done it yet. . go for it. .you'll kick behind! :)

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.
and got a B! I am so happy and relieved. Now that I know the format of the tests I think I'll go through the rest quickly. At least I hope to...

Good luck!

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.
and got a B! I am so happy and relieved. Now that I know the format of the tests I think I'll go through the rest quickly. At least I hope to...

Good luck!

Lisa's note's? I need all the help I can get, I just started studying for this class.

Lisa's note's? I need all the help I can get, I just started studying for this class.

and got a B! I am so happy and relieved.


At least I have to say that Lisa's notes helped alot. . .more so than anything else.

Can you tell me where to find "Lisa's notes"? I read a lot of posts on yahoo referring to these and someone stated they are on this (allnurses) BB but for the life of me I haven't been able to locate them.

Congratulations again!

and got a B! I am so happy and relieved.


At least I have to say that Lisa's notes helped alot. . .more so than anything else.

Can you tell me where to find "Lisa's notes"? I read a lot of posts on yahoo referring to these and someone stated they are on this (allnurses) BB but for the life of me I haven't been able to locate them.

Congratulations again!

I know I'm reviving an old one here guys, but...

Originally posted by opalm

Can you tell me where to find "Lisa's notes"? I read a lot of posts on yahoo referring to these and someone stated they are on this (allnurses) BB but for the life of me I haven't been able to locate them.

Was this ever answered?

Sadbulldog>>What all did you use to study for NC1?

The famous "Lisa's notes" are in the files sections of most (if not all) of the yahoo groups that will come up if you search on student nursing or Excelsior College. Most of those groups are really great. The best one is called nontradnurses and the worst is allexcelsiornurses. (It is an advertising vehicle for Excel Advantage that really wants you to think they are Excelsior College--they are not.)

I made new file folders in my "My Documents" folder on my computer for each of the NC exams. I numbered them.... Into each of those new folders went the files from the yahoo groups, the pdf study guide for that exam, and my own notes for topics that came up in the reading that I didn't feel confident about. I also put in the "SETH" tests for each NC.

I cleaned up all the little misspellings and messy formats (because that is my "thing"), and found that as I did this, I was learning loads of stuff. As I saw misinformation or missing information (the notes aren't perfect....), I added that to my "Lisa's notes" for that NC. The notes steadily became "Chris's notes..." LOL.

I "took" the practice tests that Excelsior College sells for $65, the first before I studied at all, and the second about 8 hours before I took the test for real. After the first one, I made notes about the areas where I needed more work, and then I focused on those areas.

If I came upon any answers I had to guess at, didn't recognize or didn't know, plus the ones I got wrong, I looked them all up on google. (I have another "thing," and that is wanting to know the right info.)

I also had a study buddy. She and I met once a week or so. We would go over the practice questions out loud, and we would reason out why one answer was right and the others wrong. Unless it was really obvious or really basic, one or both of us would look up the information in whatever study guide or book we happened to bring.

If you do these things, you cannot fail. (Well, I suppose you could, if you chose the wrong answers on purpose or didn't read the questions correctly..... But the info will be in your head.)

As to the old calculator issue, I sure thought there was one at the bottom of the computer screen, but then, I never use a calculator, I always work it out on paper, then I don't have to worry if I punched in the wrong number, or the decimal in the wrong place.....)

Good luck, everybody. I'm getting ready for my CPNE--it can't come fast enough!

I know I'm reviving an old one here guys, but...

Was this ever answered?

Yes, thanks! I did find Lisa's notes along with a slue of great material.

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