Finally, I am a Graduate


Specializes in CVICU/ER.

I can't believe it. I am finally done with my BSN. Yeah, I have boards and such to worry about, but I am so glad that I can now do some things that I have been wanting to do for a long time: eat, sleep, play with my 4 year old son, workout, read a book....etc. It seems as if the last four years my life has been in limbo. I am ready to get it back on track.

I remember my first semester, talking to all the students in my clinical group and saying, "Just think, only 19 more months and we will be nurses." It's finally coming to end. I am getting pinned Wednesday, walking for graduation on next Sunday and have a Kaplan course all week. It's finally ending. It's a little anti-climactic as I kind of don't know what to do with my time. I have this list of things to do, but feel numb and just want to sit around a bit. I have been working my extern job and have been going on job interviews, but it still doesn't feel real. Time went by slow and fast at the same time. Einstein was right when he said that time was relative. It appears to travel with different ebbs and flows with life. It's astounding to think about, yet time is still very much consistent.....60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day. It just seems like I just started, but I feel so battle worn.

All I can say to the people still in school, if a 37 year old married man with a 4 year old can leave his factory job and go back to school while working full time, you can do it too. I don't have it half as hard as a lot of people because I have the support that I needed. I can tell you though that the sense of accomplishment that I feel is something I have never felt before. My son has a dad and mom with a Bachelors degree and in this day and age, it means a lot. I went to nursing school to give him a better life, and her is where it starts.

Specializes in NeuroICU/SICU/MICU.

Thank you for sharing your story, and congratulations on graduating!

I'm also graduating (12 days til pinning, 14 days til graduation) and I know what you mean about the time. I still remember our welcome reception like it was yesterday, but I also remember the feeling in the middle of each semester - like they would never end! This has been a 3 year journey for me, and it's finally nearly over.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Well done chuckz. You are right, you did the right thing making this happen for your family and yourself. Thanks for the words of encouragement....I am just finishing up my first semester of a 2 year program. Enjoy your pinning and I hope you get a chance to have a wonderful celebration with your family and classmates.

Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

Congratulations dude! Same here... full time school and work! it can be done!!!

so, in which field do you want to work in?

Specializes in Telemetry.

I know the feelings...I graduated January and I was so tired for that graduation but I manage to drive right back into studying for the NCLEX and passed. God is good all the time.

Specializes in CVICU/ER.

helpingothers.....I had a recent interview in the MICU. I like ER nursing, where I am externing at, but I don't think they are going to offer due to budget cuts. MICU is choice 1A. I just want to learn and they seem to have fantastic preceptors in both the MICU and ER.

What area are you working now?

Congrats!!! Best of luck in your journey ahead!

Specializes in CPR, EKG, Home Health Aide.


Peace & Blessings:up:

P.S Dont let the journey stop here, continue to dream :D

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