Finally......ATT arrived...need encouragement


Finally, my ATT arrived today. I scheduled to take boards on June 10th. I am nervous and have been studying everything I can get my hands on. The bad part is we did not have alot of Pharm in our curriculum, it was not a required course for us. They say they just incorporated it into the program. NOT...I feel so inept in that subject that it is not even funny. If anyone can give me some pointers on where to find some good study material for boards I would greatly appreciate it. Also if anyone has recently taken boards and can give me some pointers.

I just purchased the Kaplan flip o mat. It contains a lot of drugs and the really cool thing about it is that each drug is presented like flashcards with side effects on back. It was about $19.00 at my school. I haven't graduated yet (Dec 04), but I am challenging the LPN this summer. By the way my school does the same thing and that is a great fear of mine too, but this book is great. Good luck!!!

Can't wait until its over!!!! Dec 04

keep looking over the books.:specs: you will do fine. best of luck to you and keep us posted :)

I just got my ATT too and I started having a mild anxiety attack :) . I plan to keep studying my books. I also only had pharm incorporated into the curriculum. If you are really worried, the Kaplan Flip-o-matic drug book is really good. Otherwise, just keep doing what you're doing. I'm using the Lippincott book, which is just straight questions and rationales. I love it. You should do fine on the NCLEX. Good luck to you...


Specializes in LTC.

Glad to hear some of you are getting your ATT. I'm still waiting. I hope we all do well.

Specializes in Endocrinology.

Just got my ATT also. I'm scheduled to take the NCLEX-PN June 14.


The important thing is to go over frequently given drugs. Examples are Dig, Cardizem, Propanolol, Lasix, etc. Heart drugs are commonly tested because they can greatly affect your patient. Know these well enough to say "Oh I need to check the apical pulse" or "what is the blood pressure prior to giving this Labetolol." Drugs like that that have side effects are what you should go over.

Remember also, any drug questions will be few if you get any. Don't spend forever learning every one, focus only on the important ones.

You'll do wonderfully, believe in yourself,

God Bless,



The important thing is to go over frequently given drugs. Examples are Dig, Cardizem, Propanolol, Lasix, etc. Heart drugs are commonly tested because they can greatly affect your patient. Know these well enough to say "Oh I need to check the apical pulse" or "what is the blood pressure prior to giving this Labetolol." Drugs like that that have side effects are what you should go over.

Remember also, any drug questions will be few if you get any. Don't spend forever learning every one, focus only on the important ones.

You'll do wonderfully, believe in yourself,

God Bless,


Thank you for those words of wisdom. I am going to do just that and focus on the main ones...:)

This is my first time posting, hope I'm doing it right!

Got a question - I'm a recent (May 2004) grad. Wondering how long it should take me to hear about when I can sit for the NCLEX. I've submitted all MY paperwork, gone for fingerprinting, etc.

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to :balloons:

It all comes down to which state that you are in, and you didn't post that.

I'm glad that you received your ATT. Just go over everything you can get your hands on. I'm heard that they've added a lot of pharmacology to the test. Can you ask an instructor on what's best to do? Possibly, it doesn't sound like the school had your best interests in mind. Ask them and see what they say.

This might not be much help to you.

I hope that you do well, good luck! :)

Thanks for the response, suzanne - I live in NJ and will be testing there.

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