Feeling Discouraged...

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi! I started the pre-nursing program at my university in the Fall of 2007. Here it is, Spring 2009, and I'm still not in the program. My overall GPA is good but my science GPA isn't quite there. I have taken A&P 2x (5 credit hour), OChem 3x (2 credit hour), Fund of Chem 2x (3 credit hour) and Microbiology 2x (3 credit hour). Every time I better my grade, just not enough!!! This semester I needed two "B+" in my chem classes to get the science GPA I needed and I found out today that I'll be getting a "B" and a "B-". Basically, my chances of getting in are ruined. I feel so silly. I let myself down AGAIN. What am I supposed to do now? I can retake A&P one more time, but I won't get out of school until I'm almost 25. I love nursing...I do well in all of my "pre-nursing" nursing classes. I was so determined and now I just don't know what to do. It's so expensive to keep re-taking classes and falling behind. I'm not even at Junior standing. What would you do at this point??

Have you consider applying to other schools in your area?

like a branch campus? There are 4 branches that aren't too far away. I'm on the main campus. I guess it's a thought. I probably would've chosen to go there first, but I literally live one street behind the campus and the access was so easy for school and work. I am now .1 away from the minimum 2.5 science GPA for the program. I'll probably take A&P over the summer, and if I get an "A" in that I'll have a 3.1 science GPA. My only concern is that after that, I have to attend the Fall 2009 semester and apply then...so I won't be in the program until Spring 2010, and won't start clinical work until Fall 2010...and won't graduate until 2013, if I stay on track. With the economy being so terrible and school being so expensive, I don't know who I'll be able to afford it. Granted, I'll be an independent student for two years of it...but until then, will I be getting myself in too deep? Is it worth it to put in the extra year? There is no other major/career that appeals to me. I love working with people, and I find the job it's very satisfying in that you get to get in and get your hands dirty, help people and end up extremely tired at the end of the day. I also want to be financially secure, and nursing is a great field for that. Is six years in school a ridiculous amount of time? I mean, if I were to switch majors then I would still be behind an would probably stay for another 2 1/2 years anyway to catch up...

I don't know. I guess that I'm just incredibly disappointed in myself right now. I thought I was so much better than this and after taking a year off after high school to work, I thought I would be ready to come back and ace college. The sad thing is, I do extremely well in all of my other classes but there "weed out" classes kill me. Is six years too much? Is it still worth it?

I can retake A&P one more time, but I won't get out of school until I'm almost 25.

This may sound bad, but I almost laughed when I read this part because 25 is SO young!! Take it from me, who won't finish nursing school til I'm at LEAST 32, and all the other older students...just do it. At 25, you will still have the opportunity to completely change your career and STILL be young when you finish.

Thank you. I know that 25 is young, and it's silly to get caught up in everything. I just had such plans!! But you're right. There are older people in this program too, and they're so great! I guess I need to chill a bit. I just get flustered when I see all of these 18 year olds killing me and making it in in one semester...lol. I can't say that I'm not jealous of how well they do. I'm just gonna breathe...25 is young. I needed to hear that.

And I'm proof! I'm 27. When I was 24 I was about to finish school to be an accountant. I had an internship at a big accounting firm and took a job offer there. Then I realized that accounting was NOT for me. I switched my major to English at 25 to become a teacher, graduated at 26, and now I'm 27 and am taking the FIRST steps to be a nurse! Crazy, huh? I never really took science as an undergrad so I have to take Anatomy, Physiology and Micro. I'm doing those over the next three semesters so I'll be 29 before I even apply.

I totally understand getting discouraged, I get that way, and then I realize that once school and everything is done, I will be working for the REST of my LIFE. That puts me in NO hurry to be done. I have taken this past year off of school since it took me eight years to get a bachelor's, I make decent money, but I still miss school.

Enjoy the next few years! I am going to try my best to as well! :)

Personally I have faced the same situation in the past were I have taken a science professor (Microbiology) and it set me back as I didnt pass the class with the grade I needed.

My personal recommendation which helped me is to scout out a teacher before you take them. You might have already done this but before I take any teacher from now on, especially science professors, I always look them up on ratemyprofessor PLUS I will go to their class the semester before I take them and ask the students how "easy" the class is.

This might take a little bit of work that people are not used to but it saved me lots of hours and stress by putting in the effort on the front end (scouting out a easy prof) vs the back end (being overwhelmed because I took a bad prof).

have u considered community college? u could at least start working on your associates degree and b halfway towards your goal

yes, 25 is indeed young. I started my pre -reqs when i was 25 i am now 28, have finally finished my pre reqs (i decided to take time off from school until my kids were older) and now i start the nursing program at my community college in August. I will be 30 when i graduate. so trust me, 25 to finish is definately young. At the rate I am going i will be 35 by the time i finally become a nurse prac.... if i am lucky. On the plus side, i still feel 18, so i can keep up with them and i have the experience and maturity of an extra 10 years ;)

Just a thought. Is your school competative admission? I ask becaues at our school you have to have a 2.5 gpa to apply, but it won't get you in. Historically the cutoff has been a 3.4 or higher. Just something to think about before you pay to retake classes.

I understand feeling discourage because of your age even if it's not "old". I will be 29/30 when I finish my ADN which isn't old persay but I can't help but think sometimes that if I would have had my crap together when I was 18 and started this journey i'd have 10 years experience instead of being a new grad!

I agree with lunden. I can't say enough about my community college! Not only is it cheaper but the classes are smaller so you can really build relationships with the teachers and the other students. I know that some people really think that a BSN from a big college means more money but I've asked around and found that it doesn't matter if you have a BSN or an ADN, an RN is an RN. Our community college has a great reputation among the local hospitals because they have a partnership and a long history.

As for "old," forget about it! I will not graduate from nursing school until I am almost 45! And I can't wait!

Thanks to everyone! I'm feeling a lot better about things. I do have the rest of my life to work, and so many people go back to school when they're old. As for community college, that's a definite option. I'm going to talk to my adviser next week and hopefully she'll have some ideas. I just wish that the closest community college wasn't about 25 miles away...while this college is one street away, haha. Thanks again, I really appreciate your support!

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