Published Oct 9, 2008
41 Posts
I keep being warned that it is difficult to get into the nursing program because of competition and the lottery system. I feel like if I do complete the classes required with the grades required, I will still have to wait forever or possibly never get into a nursing program! Is this a possibility?
Also, someone told me I have to get a B in Chemistry because of competitiveness to get into the nursing program, you know, GPA stuff. But in the pre-req requirements it says a C or better. Does it matter?
It is taking me so long just to get through the pre-reqs. Going part-time because of work and family. So far 4 years of pre-reqs and I have yet to pass chemistry!
And advice, knowledge, or encouragement would be appreciated!
3 Posts
Amber, I got accepted in the nursing program at ivytech with GPA of 2.2. I also had to take a test. I didnt have to take chemistry. I had to take A and P, Psych, Eng 111, and A and P 2. I dont know how competitive your school is, but I beleive if you keep a GPA above a C you will get accepted. It is important you do good on the test.
637 Posts
The lottery system and waitlists are usually at community college and some state u programs - this is because everyone wants in-state tuition if they can get it. There are still private schools that don't have waitlists. Tuition will be more expensive but if you can find "a deal" on financial aid your out of pocket expense could come out the same. Some hospitals have their own RN diploma programs and may offer full or reduced tuition if you agree to work for them after you graduate - they would also be more likely to look at the entire profile and give weight to essays, letters of recommendation, interview, etc., instead of just looking at your science gpa. Bottom line- don't be discouraged. If you look around you'll find a program.
431 Posts
As far as what grades are needed....
Your program probably requires a minimum of a C in chem to apply or be considered for admission. However, you want the highest GPA possible to be competitive with the other students. For example if you are competing for admission with a pool of students who all got A's or B's in chem and you have a C, guess who will get in? In my school a C is the minimum grade they will accept in any prereqs to apply to the program but my guess is that someone bringing a C to the table probably won't get a seat...
274 Posts
I know at the school I'm looking at you need a 2.5 gpa in order to be considered for the program, but last year the cutoff for those that got in was 3.3, anyone between 2.5 & 3.3 was put on the wait list, but in reality unless they were at a 3.2 they don't have a very good chance of getting in w/o retaking some classes in hopes of a better gpa.
I know how frustraiting it is to feel like this is taking FOREVER. BUT you do what you have to when you don't have a choice but to work and a family to take care of.
51 Posts
I'll agree with what a few others said. The accelerated program I'm planning to enter next year (for those holding a B.A. in another field) has a minimum grade requirement of 2.5, BUT to realistically have a chance of admission, you need more like a 3.5. Admissions are largely based on GPA, a little on experience, a little on whether you're in district, in state, or out of state, etc. For example, I will get 40 admission points for 4.0 GPA, 10 points for living in district, 3 points for up to 6 months experience in the field, 0 for my bachelors degree, for a total of 53 admission points. The cutoff last year was 44. Even with a 3.5 GPA (35 pts), you'd have to live in district and have some experience to get in.
52 Posts
Well right now I feel frustrated as well. I am done with pre reqs and now just waiting to hear back from all the programs I've applied to. My problem with the whole system is the time they make you wait. I have applied to two programs at a private school and from the time I turned in my application to the time I was notified I didnt' get accepted was three months and I am still waitng for another letter of rejection most likely cause others have said they got their acceptance. I spend all this money to get the application in and all this time, then they make me wait, wait, wait, and wait some more jsut to tell me No. I still have the other programs who most likely won't send anything until mid November, so I shouldn't give up hope, but all I want to do is be a nurse, that's it and it seems like I can't even get into a school to do that. I already have a BS in Chemistry from a good university so its not like I can't do the work. I've been working so I know how to take responsibility on. I am not freash out of high school or something. But anyway, I say that to say you are not alone in your feelings of discouragement.
380 Posts
wow that sounds like wcccd. 2007's cut off for the fall was 3.4. it went up to 3.7 for fall 2008 because of all the transfer students. now u get preference for in-district, background exp. but i believe they did lower the gpa for spring 09
ParkerBC,MSN,RN, PhD, RN
886 Posts
Which IVY Tech Campus did you get accepted to? I applied there with a 4.0 GPA and 93 TEAS and was not accepted! I found about another program and decided to go with it. It costs a lot more, but I am in and working towards the degree.
554 Posts
At Lawrence I am assuming? That's amazing that you didn't get in! I know of people who got in with less on their TEAS.
102 Posts
I keep being warned that it is difficult to get into the nursing program because of competition and the lottery system. I feel like if I do complete the classes required with the grades required, I will still have to wait forever or possibly never get into a nursing program! Is this a possibility? Also, someone told me I have to get a B in Chemistry because of competitiveness to get into the nursing program, you know, GPA stuff. But in the pre-req requirements it says a C or better. Does it matter? It is taking me so long just to get through the pre-reqs. Going part-time because of work and family. So far 4 years of pre-reqs and I have yet to pass chemistry!And advice, knowledge, or encouragement would be appreciated! Thanks.Amber
Hi sckoosky, I don't know what state your in but it sounds pretty much the same as it does here in Michigan you are not alone with feeling discouraged. I applied to WCCCD's program for the fall 08 I didn't get in because I didn't met he 3.7 GPA cut off. Bummer! It took me 3 years to finish my Pre Req's because of work and family also. You must always remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and never give up. I reapplied for January admissions and am currently waiting for my letter. Most schools say a C or better to be considered for admissions but they really mean and B or better. That's just the cut off we have to remember we chose nursing as an career and it is very very competitive. Currently I am retaking Psychology and I got an B as an back up plan because I refuse to give up. I as am waiting on an admission letter from Wayne State University because if I don't get in the nursing program in January I need to start working on my bachelor's because I already have an associate's of science. You will pass Chemistry if you don't get the grade you want you must get higher grades in the other Pre Req's to help boost your GPA. Always remember never give up!
133 Posts
This may sound a bit crazy but have you considered online chemistry class? You've taken chemistry in class and it hasn't worked out for you, right? I am considering taking it online in the spring because after taking a couple of Healthcare core classes online, I realized that I can learn much better that way vs. a classroom setting. I know this won't fly in NS, but while I am able to, I hope to take as many online prerq' courses as I can. I guess it has a lot to do with your learning style. I am a visual learner and taking notes really helps also. I am also a bit of ADD so having a quiet place to study really helps when I have to concentrate. Some people learn way better listening to lecture than reading, etc.
Good luck to you with chemistry and getting into NS!!!
Lizzyru :nuke: