FCCJ Fall '09???

U.S.A. Florida


Anyone else planning on applying to FCCJ's nursing program for Fall '09? I figured we might as well start a "support group" thread of sorts for those of us who are. Never too early to start, right?

I need to talk to my boss about it and she is out today. I'll let you know Monday afternoon if that's ok. Have a great weekend!

what section did everyone pick?

I am starting the RN program January 11th and was wondering what happens at the Baptist Hospital Orientation before clinicals. Thanks!

ah you go over the Baptist employee handbook where they tell you about cellphones, nail length and where to park. Our teachers read the *whole* handbook...then you signed a waiver for HIPAA and that you were read the handbook. Nothing major...are you first term?

Yes, yes I am. I was just wondering if I needed to bring anything other than myself IN dress code :D

it all depends on your teacher...ours told us to bring care plan books and the whole nine yards. but it was unecessary :)

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