FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

U.S.A. Florida


I haven't seen a thread directed at applicants for this application cycle, so I figured I'd start one! Just one month left until applications open. Who's ready? :) I figure we can meet here to discuss any questions or issues with applications, provide support and feedback to fellow applicants, as well as introduce ourselves as potential future classmates! Communication is, after all, critical for all nurses.

I actually have a question to start us off. The pre-requisites listed for the program mention "College Algebra or equivalent" for science GPA calculations. In my case, I took a few more advanced mathematics courses for my degree, and I have a better grade in Calculus than I do in College Algebra. I can only chalk it up to it being my first semester in college. Does anyone know if they will count my Calc grade instead? It means the difference between a 3.8 and 3.9 for my science GPA.

I think these smaller session are more geared towards advising for students since they do not have the time to meet with each student individually. If you have specific questions about your coursework, etc., then I would go. I may be completely off point here, but that is what I believe they are about. Alternatively, I believe they do have walk-in advising on certain days, although this is the last week of term so it is really your call.

Hey guys! Applications are closing soon, hopefully everyone has ordered their final sets of transcripts. :)

I wanted to let you guys know about an email I received a few days ago. It appears that Dr. D, with whom many of us have had the pleasure to meet and speak to during the application process, has accepted another position within the College of Nursing. They do have someone stepping in as the new Interim Assistant Dean starting early January, but I am unsure of what this means as far as the application process.

I do not know if Dr. D still plans to head this years applications, but I do know that the position which she has been placed in hints at great things for the future of the program. She has made huge leaps and bounds in helping develop the nursing program, and it seems she will be able to concentrate even more of her time doing just that. I believe this is something we can all get excited about.

If anyone finds out anything further about this, please let us know. Best of luck in completing your applications, and here's hoping we start hearing about interviews soon!

Do final transcripts need to be sent to both NursingCAS and FAU? I took some classes in the fall and was wondering who needs them.

NursingCAS. It says on the FAU website that your application is considered complete once NursingCAS receives all transcripts. That's why they moved the application closing date to January 15th. :)

I sent my final transcripts again 12/20 that included my Micro and lab. Nursing CAS had my previous transcript. They still dont show that they received it. I hope they add that soon!

As far as sending them to FAU directly, I noticed FAU requested my electronic transcript without me asking to send it. I have about 3 electronic transcript requests that show at BC from FAU. (where I am taking some Prereq. classes)

Do you know when the transcripts were sent? It takes about a week for NursingCAS to receive them and post it to their website. Keep in mind they were closed for a few days surrounding Christmas and New Years, not to mention all the crazy weather up north. You should be fine as long as your school sent it out already. :)

hey guys! i am also applying , but i was confused about attending the information session or not because the advisor told me it was no mandatory ? can anyone explain that?

Are you sure you supposed to fax your TEAS results to them? i see on FAQ that you just report in on nursingcas if i am not mistaken.. can someone please verify this?

You do not need to fax them...it is sent in the nursing CAS. The meetings are not mandatory.

And Quendi...I requested mine 12/15 and they got sent on 12/20 but they still are not updated. Thats Ok. I updated my info so I will leave it at that. I know FAU requested an Electronic transcript and it all shows in my records there final. Best I can do is just sit back and wait.

Mr. po po - as mchel stated, the information sessions are not mandatory. They are simply there to provide prospective students with information about the program and requirements, etc. As for your TEAS scores, you need to print the scores off of the ATI website (unless they gave your a copy at the testing site). Scan the copy and save it to your computer, then upload it to NursingCAS where they have the document uploads. Hope that helps!

Mchel - They should definitely have them then. Mine were sent around the same time, and posted several weeks ago. I might try calling NursingCAS just to be certain, but that's up to you. :)

Applications close in 5 days! I'm starting to get nervous. Lol

yes...I called Nursing cas. They said my application is updated as far as the application but the final transcripts will come in and verified hopefully this week. Ugh. What can you say. She said it wasnt a big deal and wouldnt effect me.

Well that's good at least. Crossing my fingers for everyone!

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