Published Oct 3, 2005
3 Posts
Hi. I am a recent BSN graduate. I applied to take the NCLEX here and also have submitted my application to the state board. However, I heard that it takes about 4 months to obtain an authorization to test. I already called personvue, and they said that it is still possible for me to change the state where I am taking the test.
Does anybody have any suggestions as to which state I should take the NCLEX? Any state is fine because I can pretty much go anywhere to take an exam as soon as possible. Thank you very much.
225 Posts
not sure what state your in but here in cali it takes about one month. but then it take about abother month to get the results. usually it is your school that is lagging on sending the info the boards need. what state are you in??
Hi thatoneguy,
I am applying in california. did you just take your nclex? one month sounds better than 4 months. Does it take 1 month after the board approved your application? Thanks!
not yet taking it in, o about 2 hours and 2 minutes from now. after aproval i think it only took like 2 weeks then register at personvue, depending on dates they have available, they have many, you could be taking it in 2-3weeks. and yeah it takes up to a month to get your results after taking the test.
2 Posts
hi how long long will it take to received the att.I registered by mail got acknowlegdement for registration via email last march 20 and its been a month haven't got my att yet is it normal i as told that i'll get it by mail.please help
39 Posts
In illinois it took 3 to 4 weeks to get the ATT then 2 days for quick results.. Good luck
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
How long ago did you apply for licensure and to which state? You will not get an ATT, until the state actually approves you to sit for the exam in the first place.
gwafuh_rn, BSN, RN
1,241 Posts
maybe you are talking about the takes 3 months for 1st timers.
i'm from the philippines by the way, i received my eligibility from california board of nursing last march and were instructed to register at pearsonvue which i did and i received an acknowledgement of registration last march 20.I register by mail but i provided an email address does that make a difference because they say it is much faster if you would register via email.thanks for reply
They will send you the ATT by e-mail, so you save mailing time.
119 Posts
I registered with Continental testing a couple of weeks ago. Do I than register with Pearson Vue or do I wait to hear from Continental testing first?
Who do I gett the ATT letter from?
Kinda of confused with the process.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I registered with Continental testing a couple of weeks ago. Do I than register with Pearson Vue or do I wait to hear from Continental testing first? Who do I gett the ATT letter from?Kinda of confused with the process.Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Suspect that you are going for licensure in IL, am I correct on this? Are you a foreign grad? If so, you need to complete the CES first.
I would wait until you get approval to sit for the exam, meaning that they have approved your credentials. Not sure if you went to school in that state or not, so always better to wait if it was at least out of state to make sure that they accept your schooling.
The ATT is actually sent out by Pearson-Vue but not until they also receive permission to release it from the state and you have submitted payment for it.