Fall 2014 SSC/UCF Concurrent Program

U.S.A. Florida


Alright, I know it's early but...who is planning on applying to the Fall 2014 SSC/UCF Concurrent program? I just finished my prerequisites today and I'm so excited to get going. I am planning on taking the TEAS for the first time in January so hopefully I'll do well.

One question I have is what should I do during the spring semester? I completed my AA degree as of today but unfortunately, my family kind of relies on my FA money to get by. I'm wondering if there is an AS degree I can enroll in so that I'm still eligible for FA until the nursing program starts. I saw something for Health Information Technology that might work. Anyway, just thought I'd see who else is applying and if anyone else is in the same financial situation as me.

I hope to get to know some of you soon!

I know I'm getting WAY ahead of myself but it's something I haven't thought about until now. I know there is a pinning ceremony when we earn our ASN but do we participate in the graduation ceremony at UCF when we earn the BSN?

I can't believe that we will be hearing back so soon! I have butterflies in my stomach now :nailbiting:

Kirsten, I was wondering the same thing.

Great minds think alike! I was totally thinking that about the ceremony's and if we get to go both! Also, it's crazy to think we may get emails this month potentially :)


I applied for the Seminole and Valencia Concurrent program for the Fall. You guys have great Teas scores!! Mine was just making it with a 78.7%. I hope that doesn't exclude me from being accepted :unsure:. I can't wait to find out! Good luck to all of you!!!

Good luck to you too! Never give up hope, what is meant to be will be :)

Thank you! I'm not giving up hope that is for sure!! Isn't GPA looked at heavily as well?

Yes it is, more so than TEAS scores actually. I only meant to be encouraging, I know we are all stressing out.

Oh, I knew you were being encouraging and I apologize if I made it seem otherwise. Yes it is stressful. It has only been three weeks but feels like forever! Thank you for the info about GPA. That is good news!:)

My understanding on the graduation thing is that we graduate and have commencement at Seminole State for our ASN, which I imagine would be where we are pinned at (because that will be when we have taken the NCLEX and be registered RNs). But then we would have another graduation with UCF after the semesters of BSN transition.

Ugh, I am obsessively reading these forums. These next few weeks cannot go by fast enough.

I am also applying to the UCF/Seminole concurrent program for Fall of 2014. I have an overall GPA of 3.73, a TEAS of 80.7 (which makes me nervous!!!), and i finished my seminole prereqs in summer of 2013, and UCF prereqs in Fall of 2013! I really hope i have a good chance of making it in. Just worried about my TEAS


I think that you have a great chance of getting into the program! Welcome to the forum and the roller coaster ride as we all wait! Best of luck!

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