Fall 2014 SSC/UCF Concurrent Program

U.S.A. Florida


Alright, I know it's early but...who is planning on applying to the Fall 2014 SSC/UCF Concurrent program? I just finished my prerequisites today and I'm so excited to get going. I am planning on taking the TEAS for the first time in January so hopefully I'll do well.

One question I have is what should I do during the spring semester? I completed my AA degree as of today but unfortunately, my family kind of relies on my FA money to get by. I'm wondering if there is an AS degree I can enroll in so that I'm still eligible for FA until the nursing program starts. I saw something for Health Information Technology that might work. Anyway, just thought I'd see who else is applying and if anyone else is in the same financial situation as me.

I hope to get to know some of you soon!

I hope I'm not jinxing myself by even asking...but, your future is what you believe it to be so think positive thoughts right!?...I thought it would be helpful to try to pick up items required for the program here and there when I spot sales or good deals...has anyone seen a list or heard what exactly would be required for the concurrent program? I know somewhere on the UCF site I saw that we would need a watch with a second hand and all white, non-skid, all leather shoes...has anyone heard of any other requirements/specifics for uniforms or supplies?

Apopkamom, I feel the same way.. really trying to be optimistic and think of what I can buy or complete (immunizations) ahead of time to feel productive since I'm thinking about nursing school all the time anyway..lol

Positive thoughts! :D

Hi all! I applied to UCF's Basic BSN and we are still waiting on decision emails! It is so frustrating waiting and not knowing!!

Last year, I surprisingly was able to interview for the basic program but then I got an e-mail saying I was waitlisted. As a back up plan, I decided to apply to the SSC concurrent program! I have heard that it is exceptional and I am actually friends with a few girls who are in the program now and they all told me to apply regardless of how low I thought my scores were.

At the information session, I know they mentioned that they get about 300-400 applicants per cycle. A 50/50 shot isn't too bad!!

My stats are:

1. Completed prereq courses in Fall 2013

2. Recalculated GPA 3.4

3. TEAS score 84

4. AA - Dec, 2012

Here's hoping I get a seat!!! Thank you all for sharing your comments and frustrations with the waiting process. I'm so glad I'm not alone in being impatient!!!

Great stats! I think you have a great chance of getting into either program. Goodluck and hope to meet you in one of the programs!

I went for my second Hep B shot yesterday. I was actually excited and happy about it which is so silly but in my head I'm telling myself that it's one step closer to the program. I certainly never thought I'd be happy about shelling out $70 for a shot and yet, here I am.

Thank you Lee2014! Hope to meet you as well in either! We all just gotta keep pursuing this dream and keep our fingers crossed it's our time :up:

About four more weeks left to hear back! :)

So impatient!! Especially now that Ucf basic decisions came out and I was denied :(

Joyfulfuturenurse, I'm sorry to hear that.. But all is far from lost! With my 3.4 GPA I didn't bother applying to UCF for their generic...the next month or so is going to draaag by..

I bet we will hear back in the next couple of weeks!

I got an email earlier today from Jessica Simmons, the assistant director to the college of nursing, and there's a line in the e-mail that reads: In Fall 2014, we will also admit students into our Seminole State and Valencia/UCF Concurrent ASN-BSN Programs. The Seminole State/UCF Concurrent ASN-BSN Program application deadline was March 28, and if you applied to that program, we will be making admission decisions by the end of the month.


Wow, I was not expecting to hear back that soon. Thank you for letting us know!

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