Fall semester. AP2 and Micro together a bad idea?


Specializes in home health, developmental disabilities.

Hi, I've taken AP1 and finished with a B average. Now, I'm taking a Human development course over a 2 week semester during winter break. My real concern is if Micro and AP2 can be taken together if those are my only two classes? I've taken Micro before and dropped it because I wasn't focused enough years ago. Now, I want to dedicate all my time and energy to school. I think I'm ready.

I just worry that AP2 and Micro together would be too much. I know both are tough courses and I really need the good grades. The other option would be to take only AP2 next semester in spring and Micro over the summer. What do you think? Opinions? Experiences?

I took AP2 and micro together and got a B and A-, respectively. It's hard, but doable!

I just finished A&P2 and will be taking Micro this spring. The RN's at my job suggested I take Micro in the summer but thats not really an option for me.

Do you have a medical background? I've worked as an ICU tech and I'm currently an ER tech. I found this really help me in A&P 2, I actually found it much easier then A&P1! I don't know if was my basic familiarity with labs and EKG's or the fact my entire class were nursing majors so my professor catered to that...

But it was still alot of studying, and I too have had my issues with really applying myself to school.

If you can, take them separately, and don't chance jeopardizing your GPA if your not sure you can handle 2 heavy science classes at once...

Come to think of it... are you even allowed to take them together? In my school at least A&P2 is a pre req for Micro.....

good luck! :-)

Not exactly the same, but I took A&P 1 with Micro (I've taken General Biology which satisfied the pre-req requirement for Micro) plus Psych last semester and got an A in all 3 classes. As long as you are able to put in the time you will need to dedicate to studying in each class I think it would be fine. I also have an almost 2 and a 3 year old and worked part time, so it's not impossible. Good luck!

I took both together plus Stats, Intro to Psyc, and Dev Psyc last Fall and I did good, but I put lots of hours into it. Only you know if you'll be able to put that effort. (Some people work full time, others have kids, etc.) It is a risk if you need those high grades, but definitely doable.

Good luck in whatever you decide.

I'm also taking A&P 2 and microbio in the spring. I'm taking A&P at my current university and microbio at a nearby community college (my university won't let me take both in the same semester). I heard microbio is easier at the CC, so I'm hoping both classes together won't be so bad..

I took both Anatomy 2 and microbiology last semester, and I remember that it was tough but it is do able. I received A's in both classes! So you can do it to as long as you remain focus and study study study. I suggest you have study groups with other class mates and keep up with reading the materials. I found it helpful to record the lectures and read the chapters before and after class even if it was the summary.

I took anatomy and physiology 2 with microbiology (got Bs in both) along with nutrition and a culture course (got As in those). I also worked 2 jobs. Its hard work, but doable. This is coming from a student with a GPA lower than most other pre-nursing students. For micro, read the chapters, take notes, memorize. Make note cards. Quiz your classmates. Read ahead of time before going to lab. For physiology, study with others. I cannot stress that enough. It definitely made a difference. Its a difficult class. Its one of those things where you think you know all the material, but come test time you suddenly realize how much you don't understand. You know when you have learned it when you can explain the pathways and "teach" your peers the material. Oh, and don't make note cards. Its a waste of time for phys. There is just too much info with too many factors and little details.

My real concern is if Micro and AP2 can be taken together if those are my only two classes?

Yes. :) It is doable. When I was taking my pre-reqs I took Micro and A&P II together, and it was fine. The only way you will know is when you try it. If you feel like you're taking on too much at one time and its overwhelming you. By all means, drop the micro in the spring and take it in the summer.

For my program, I didn't have the choice of dropping either one. I HAD to take them both at the same time for my nursing program or I'd be kicked out. If I would've had the chance to take only one and then the other, I prolly would've done that. I say, do what's best for you!

Good luck. :)

Specializes in critical care.

I took these two together with sociology and history. The latter two classes ended up just being busy work, for the most part. I spent a LOT of mental energy on micro and AP2, but I'm actually very glad I took both at the same time. You'll find some overlap. Micro will discuss the immune system, as will AP2. I should mention, though, that I had the same instructor for both classes, so I think he, by nature, managed to have the classes presented in a similar tone to each other, and the overlap was probably just as helpful to him as it was to us. I had no regrets taking them at the same time, though, and had a 95 or 96 in both.


ETA: I just saw these will be the ONLY classes you're taking. Do it! You'll be awesome, and you'll be happy when subject overlaps.

I'm thankful for this question because I also registered for A&PII and Micro this semester. I will be taking them with the same instructor but I have 3 other classes also. Two of the classes are 6 week classes so by the time half the semester is over I will only have A&PII, Micro, and advanced composition. I've heard both sides, some people say it's much easier taking them together because they overlap. But I've also heard that the two science classes with labs is too stressful!

I'm taking Micro and A&P II this spring. WE should be fine! I am totally ready to knock this thing out. I got an A in Biology, A in AP I, so I'm not settling for less with these two either. WE CAN DO THIS....LET'S GET IT!!!! :w00t:

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