Fall semester. AP2 and Micro together a bad idea?


Hi, I've taken AP1 and finished with a B average. Now, I'm taking a Human development course over a 2 week semester during winter break. My real concern is if Micro and AP2 can be taken together if those are my only two classes? I've taken Micro before and dropped it because I wasn't focused enough years ago. Now, I want to dedicate all my time and energy to school. I think I'm ready.

I just worry that AP2 and Micro together would be too much. I know both are tough courses and I really need the good grades. The other option would be to take only AP2 next semester in spring and Micro over the summer. What do you think? Opinions? Experiences?

Specializes in home health, developmental disabilities.

thanks for all the advice. i think im going to go ahead and do it! the last two classes i need before i can apply to a nursing program! here goes nothing!

I took both classes together AND took my nursing classes all at the same time. It was the toughest semester ever, especially when 2 classes would have tests on the same day, but it was totally doable, I got a B in every class, probably could have pulled off an A in A and P but I slacked at the end because I knew I had pretty much passed. I would do it again the same way though, it was nice to have those classes out of the way.

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