Fall 2017 Motlow Nursing Program

Nursing Students School Programs


I wanted to start a thread for the Nursing Program at Motlow Fall 2017?

Where does everybody stand?

What are the new requirements meaning for the Program? Does this mean less applicants this year?

I think you get all your points if you submitted them. Or if you had called the nursing dept during application "open" time . Your still in good shape !

Alright, I've been lurking on this page for a while, but I'm going to pose a question. I took dual enrollment classes in high school; one of which was that English class we can get points for (but not the math or a&p). I also made above 21 on all the sections of the ACT (which gets high school students 75 points if they don't have college credit). So, will I only get the 25 bonus points for the college class? Or will my ACT scores also get me points? If I had known about the regulations for bonus points, I wouldn't have taken dual enrollment classes.

If it was was dual enrollment I would think you should get all 75 points as long as it was turned in before Jan 31 2017.

It seems like they didn't think through all circumstances that could be negatively affected by the new criteria. Best of luck to everyone. And thank you for your kind responses í ½í¸Œ

Everybody hangin in there ? This sucks man !!!!

Happy Easter Everyone!!!!!

Happy Easter !!!!

Good luck today everyone !!!!!

Right! Fingers crossed it's today!

I just talked to Nancy ! We won't get nothing til "maybe" later in the week

Instead of giving 10 different answers to 10 people, I would rather them just say they don't know. It leads to confusion, and honestly I'm over the wait and the process. I'm just going to focus on finals, and I guess the email will come when it comes. It's been super frustrating. Ughhh

I'm at Smyrna campus now it appears that all of the nursing dept is meeting in the student success center...so maybe we will have some info tomorrow.


Thanks for the intel!

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