Fall 2017 Motlow Nursing Program

Nursing Students School Programs


I wanted to start a thread for the Nursing Program at Motlow Fall 2017?

Where does everybody stand?

What are the new requirements meaning for the Program? Does this mean less applicants this year?

Thank you for those kind words. I pray everyone on this page gets in! It's obvious we all care!

I find it very messed up that they had 80 applicants chosen then after they messed up on the denial emails , they shortened the list to 65

The whole process has been confusing IMO. Lots of misinformation, and it seems like everyone is getting different answers. Definitely frustrating.

Hypothetical question.. If I were to not make the cut and got "wait-listed" anyone know what that process is like?

How do they let you know, and how far down the line you are, ect?

If someone is accepted they have a certain period of time (48 hours to a week) to respond with a "yes, I accept". If they say no then they move down the list. I'm assuming they would move down until all of the spots are filled.

Right, but I've read where people have not been able to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. Mrs Hendrix said at the nurses meeting in October that those wait-listed could find out as late as the 1st week of August if they were accepted or not.

I guess in that aspect it's like any other class. You know when people drop at the last minute. I don't like that at all, but I do understand things come up. Its really hard to plan you're life around that. I'm just ready to move on one way or the other.

Agreed, odom529.

Awwww Odom I promise I think you'll get in . Trust me. Just trust me.

I think they accidentally accepted too many lpns and they have only 65 spots left probably.


Alright, I've been lurking on this page for a while, but I'm going to pose a question. I took dual enrollment classes in high school; one of which was that English class we can get points for (but not the math or a&p). I also made above 21 on all the sections of the ACT (which gets high school students 75 points if they don't have college credit). So, will I only get the 25 bonus points for the college class? Or will my ACT scores also get me points? If I had known about the regulations for bonus points, I wouldn't have taken dual enrollment classes.

Keeper22 I feel for you.. and don't have a solid answer. I was in the middle of taking Dosage & Cal. last summer when I was informed that not only would that 1 hr class not count, not be applied towards my gpa, but was now required to take 3 hr Probability and Statistics instead! Had those changes been made before the semester began I could have adjusted my class schedule, not wasted my money, raised my gpa with a class that actually "counted" and acquired 25 more of the bonus pts! Seems like lots of us will fall into a black hole this transition year.


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