Fall 2017 Motlow Nursing Program

Nursing Students School Programs


I wanted to start a thread for the Nursing Program at Motlow Fall 2017?

Where does everybody stand?

What are the new requirements meaning for the Program? Does this mean less applicants this year?

Cause she's the dean . Deans are in charge .

I'm so bummed to hear from Nancy today that they're only picking 65 :(

I got to speak with Nancy, she said that the dean has the last word and looks at a data sheet to confirm everything before the acceptance emails go out. I'm not to excited about them only taking the 65 but it is bc of the new program.

I got to speak with Nancy, she said that the dean has the last word and looks at a data sheet to confirm everything before the acceptance emails go out. I'm not to excited about them only taking the 65 but it is bc of the new program.

And when you talked to Nancy did she also say that the acceptance letters would go out next week ?

Yes she said they would go out by Wednesday. Ugh...

Yes. Monday . Things just keep changing like the weather . I'm so lost . 80 down to 65....that means they're only picking the top ten percent .

Does anyone here have all 75 points?

I do.

Aww! You're going to get accepted ....you got it in tha bag !!!!

I don't know. I really don't feel so great with all of the changes. Plus I never really got a clear answer on how those points helped. From what I gathered you can only score a max of 600 points and the extra points are on "the side". Do y'all know?

I have all the 75 too.

I don't know. I really don't feel so great with all of the changes. Plus I never really got a clear answer on how those points helped. From what I gathered you can only score a max of 600 points and the extra points are on "the side". Do y'all know?

So, in the past (including 2016) the hesi score counted for 500 points max and your gpa counted for 300. This year , they're equal in value . 300 and 300 for a max total of 600. HOWEVER, there are three specific prereq classes that if you score with an A or a B, you get 25 bonus pounts(extra credit). Those extra credit points can and will be added to your overall points . So if you totaled up 550 points for example off your hesi and gpa numbers , if you took those classes you get 25 points or 75 ....that will be added to your 550. Not all people (including myself) were told this, giving you an edge . Someone who scores a 92 or 98 with a great gpa could possibly have less points than someone with an 86 or 85 hesi score.

Which is is why I believe you will get in and think you should just be happy and smile and wait at ease . :-) plus- 600 and above yields a very very very good shot . I hope this helps Odom.

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