Fall 2010 Lonestar ADN Hopefuls


Hey everybody! I just wanted to start a thread where all of us who are beginning the stressful process of worrying over Lonestar admissions can give each other some support!:yeah: I'm planning on applying to LSC-Montgomery - retaking Psych 2301 in a Second 8 Weeks class to get an*A,* and getting ready to take the HESI in November when Moco's testing opens. I'm freaking out over how much is on the line...must make an *A!* Must blow HESI out of the water!!!!!

Anyway, just wanted to say good luck to everyone as their finishing up their prereqs and preparing for the HESI and ask...

LoneStar hopefuls...WHERE YOU AT?!! :heartbeat

Hi Melissa,

Well I will start by saying there is light at the end of the tunnel after all! Not too long after that post, I did retake my HESI and scored well enough to bump up my points on my application. I FINALLY got into the nursing program and I'm in my second semester. As far as my points, I had an 11.51 or something close to that. It was not the lowest though. Each application period is different so its really hard to say if you have a great score or an awesome score. Its not bad at all, you still have a chance of getting in so do not give up!! If you dont get into your first choice, there is a big chance you can get into your second choice, or even put on the wait list. Some people that do get in also get into other schools and decide not to accept their offer at Lone Star. If I were you I would submit my application and just hope for the best. I tried for almost three years to get into nursing school and even though I came close to giving up, I still worked hard for it because I knew this is what I wanted to do. Good Luck with everything! Im sure you will be fine!

You have a good chance Melissa. Like the person above me stated, not everyone that is accepted to Lone Star will go there. They probably are applying to other schools as well. I think you have a good chance of getting in, or being place on the alternate list. Most people that are put on the alternate list get accepted.

Melissa did you list North Harris as your 2nd or 3rd choice? (I'm assuming Montgomery was your 1st choice) I don't know what the Montgomery cutoff was last year, but I heard it was pretty high. North Harris' cut off was 11.27 so you'd definitely get in there with your score. I've heard though that there hasn't been as many applicants this year b/c half of the people taking the Hesi aren't passing so no telling what the cut off's will be this year. Hopefully they will be much lower! Does anyone know if Montgomery is acccepting more students this year since the new building is open now?

Hi trae55!

What are your thoughts on Montgomery? What is your experience like over there? Thanks!

Check your mail. I got into Montgomery! :yeah:
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