Fall 2015, GCU/NAU

Nursing Students General Students


Just putting out some feelers. Im signed up for my Kaplan entrance exam for NAU, but there isnt a lot of info out there to help. I was woundering if any other hopefulls are signed up and studying. From what ive herd, its really only general and very broad A&P for the science? Let me know if thats all that will help. Also, taking the HESI A2 in march and am just worried about how difficult ive herd it is. Any advise would help, as well as anyone who is also applying with me what is your timeline looking like? GCU has kind of been a mess for me with advising. Thanks!

I emailed "Joanna" and she said that she was meeting with the committee this week and that the letters would be sent out mid April :/

Dang I was hoping it would have been sooner like she was originally saying. Oh well just nervous is all

I'm so nervous too. Every time I think about it my stomach is in knots! I want it so bad and I can't really think about anything else... The wait will be agonizing. But you never know, there is still a chance they will send the letters out sooner. I think I will start frantically checking all things mail around the 7th

How did your HESI go btw?

Me too ha! And I got an 89 overall thank you for asking(: personally I thought it was easier because it was a larger number of questions so if you got one wrong it didn't make a large dent in the score.

Oh great! I will be taking it on the 27th, I've heard it's not as bad as the Kaplan so that's good! Any NAU news? lol

Me too!!! YAY US!!

Ah congratulations!!! See you at orientation ;)

Specializes in ICU.

Congrats guys!! I remember how excited I was and the emotional high I had from getting accepted!! Enjoy it!

Thank you! I have private messages from each of you but the site will not allow me to respond as I haven't posted 15 topics :/ If you'd like you can email me? my email is my username @yahoo :) Sorry, trying to be cryptic lol


My name is Ebone and I am applying for the Spring 16 start and I know this post is old, but I was hoping I could still get some advice! I currently have a 3.75 GPA and I haven't taken my Kaplan yet but I'm going to study my butt off to get at least an 85 overall. The thing I was wondering the most is if my GPA is competitive enough! I'm so nervous, I literally have never wanted anything this bad I just want to get accepted into a nursing program so badly. So if there is anyone that is in the program or just go accepted I would greatly appreciate some advice.

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