Failed 5 times

Nursing Students NCLEX


Guys, I really need your help, I don't know what to do anymore, and I just want to give up but I know deep in my heart it is the wrong thing to do, I have taken this NCLEX RN 5 times, and it goes to 265 all 5 times, I have tried learningext NCSBN, UWORLD, KAPLAN, I really am looking for any kind of help !

Thanks everyone

Guys, I really need your help, I don't know what to do anymore, and I just want to give up but I know deep in my heart it is the wrong thing to do, I have taken this NCLEX RN 5 times, and it goes to 265 all 5 times, I have tried learningext NCSBN, UWORLD, KAPLAN, I really am looking for any kind of help !

Thanks everyone

Hi Dtngu,

Do not give up! you are very very close! I see you have a lot of resources you used for the nclex. Your content knowledge must be very vast!

I took the nclex twice. I believe all the small little details you use to improve yourself will give you the few points to help you pass the nclex.


Did you focus on how to analyze and tackle the structure of the questions itself?

Did you engrave the various test taking strategies kaplan offered you?

Did you make it a habit to study or simulate the test as much as you can?

Did you spend extra extra time and questions in the areas you are weak in?

One other thing I did was studied in a group for about two sessions with UWorld. As a group we would sit there, give each other a rationale of why we chose the answers before submitting the answer. This allowed us to see how other people tackle the various questions and also see our mistakes in those questions.

For myself, I am not a very good test taker. I like to do things and learn by hands on. However, when I did made small adjustments to my studies it helped boost my confidence.

You should consider refresher courses if your state doesn't already require it.

I think you were probably reading WAY into the questions.

NCLEX was very straight forward and mostly "who do you see first?" type questions.

I recommend the LaCharity prioritize book. Read the whole thing.

Retake Kaplan.

Do you get nervous just walking into the testing center? If so maybe some relaxation techniques would help you.

Hey dtngu,

I myself had an experience with the NCLEX RN that was very similar to yours. I have officially taken the test 3 times and have received the maximum number of questions each time. On my third attempt at it, I found that I knew the information, I just really needed to calm down. Got my PASS results just about a week ago. Never Never Never give up!!!! You are much closer than you think. I found on my third try to take a good long break before I answered my last few questions to really help me relax too. I totally understand the NCLEX struggle, just remember, its only another test.. and its not better than you..

I recently passed my NCLEX exam after failing 5 times and I know exactly how you feel. I've posted my experience on this forum and I hope you'll take a look at it for some guidance. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

I took NCLEX exam 4 times and finally passed it. I took Kaplan course twice but what really helped me was taking course and answering a lots of test questions. also a great website with a lots of sample questions and flashcards. Good Luck!

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