


I just took the NCLEX and was out after Question 77. I didn't get any SATAs. I wonder if it indicates I failed because it usually takes me so many months to get the next permission to take NCLEX again. Can anyone share your thoughts? Thanks.

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

I had passed with 78 can either do the PVT check or wait till you're able to pay to get the early results.

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Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Neither question type nor number of questions received is indicative of pass or fail. Anything is just a guess at your pass/fail status.

You either did very well or very poorly, if you want to think of it that way. SATA questions, format type mean nothing. Don't try to read anything into the kinds of questions you got, that won't help you either.

If your State participates in Quick Results, pay the eight bucks in 48 hours to find out officially.

Good luck!

Specializes in Documentation, Medication Administration.

I just took the NCLEX and was out after Question 77. I didn't get any SATAs. I wonder if it indicates I failed because it usually takes me so many months to get the next permission to take NCLEX again. Can anyone share your thoughts? Thanks.

The amount of questions you got or the format of the questions doesn't mean anything. What matters is the number of right answers you got. I'm the opposite of you. You said that you didn't get any SATA but unfortunately for me, I got like more than 10 of those.

What you need to do is try the PVT and see whether you passed or failed. If you passed, it'll say that 'Our record indicate you already registered.' However, don't rely on it since the PVT isn't 100% correct. You need to get the results, which they will send to you by mail. You will get a CR (Candidate Report) if you passed and if you failed, you will get a CPR (Candidate Performance Report) and it'll tell you your weak areas.

The number of questions mean nothing. You either pass or fail. Hope and pray with all your heart that you pass! If you want, do the PVT 24 hours after and go from there. I wish you good luck!

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