Published Jun 5, 2010
177 Posts
is there anyone out there who has faliled out of nursing school? im due to start nursing school in may2011 and i was just looking to get some imput from some of you ..maybe things you would have done differernt? advice? im so happy to have made it this far but im also SO terrified i could end up flunking out
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
I wish I would have read more and tried harder. I cruised through all my gen eds and tried doing that in NS. Didnt work out so well. Failed one class but retook it and passed with flying colors this time.
187 Posts
If you have an entire year ahead of you until you start, why not get the prerequs/ general ed classes out of the way in the meantime? You can do them from a community colelge or even online.
i have already done my pre-req and gen ed school just has a waiting list. its about a year from when you apply.. i applied in march. My acceptance letter says my start term is summer term 2011..unless a seat opens up for the spring term.
94 Posts
I started out in the fall 2008 and that class just grad. May 7 and it was bittersweet because that was the class I was in but the Pharm. math knocked me out by 4 I had to go through the application process AND get selected AGAIN to start last Fall 2009 and now I am in my 3rd semester so do not anything discourge you because I felt like a COMPLETE FAILURE when I failed out but it was just my time to go you know everything happens for a reason and I was also 28 weeks prego with # 4 so it all worked out for the best. Just keep your chin up and Good Luck!!! If I can do this anybody can!!!
omg im sooo worried about pharm! my friend failed that one too and had to repeat a semester :[
anything i can do to prepare myself??
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
Use the search feature above and you will find TONS of threads on advice on how to succeed in nursing school. Good luck.
umm i dont feel like searching through hundreds of threads..k thanks .
Well I took a Math 101 class( dosage class for prospective nursing students) that really helped me let me tell you I suck in Math.. I had to take Math 50, 60 and 70 if that tells you anything but my instructor told me "make your weakness your strenght" and that is what I did. Now mind you they decide to change the pharm test last year...2008 you only had to make an 80 to pass( 2 chances to pass)....well 2009 it becomes mandatory to make a 100 on it (3 chances to pass) ...the 1st time I made 90....second time 95...the final time I made 100 and I cried like a baby I was so happy :lol2:but that did not last long because that afternoon I found out I had Cervical Cancer:eek: but that is another story...........
I think the thing about math is that its totally doable its just a matter of studying what's in front of you . I suckk at math too but I came across that one teacher who just goes above and beyond to help the struggling students . That helped me a lot . I really thought I'd be done wit math...I had no idea thrs more to come in nursing schhol
Oh no...MATH is all through nursing school and beyond....... this is ONLY the beginning;)
2,642 Posts
So, instead you'd prefer folks repeat themselves.
My advice for nursing school, get used to researching your'll need citations on just about everything you turn in.