Published Mar 18, 2009
20 Posts
i have failed my exam x2, feeling very low at this point. i have done the saunders comprehensive review, but still failed the exam. i don't if i will try again at this point. i don't know what else to do.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Do not give up, You made it through nursing school so you can do it. Give yourself a short break from studying then look at a study plan. Make sure you give yourself protected study time each day, practise questions and read the rationale
242 Posts
Hey purple. Don't fret. I am about to take the take the test for the second time in 4 years. I am hoping it will come out ok. If not, I will try again. I know it hurts, but it just doesn't work out the way we planned sometimes. Do you have test anxiety? I do. This go-round, I will be testing in a separate room so that I won't be focused on everyone else testing. Hopefully that will help. Don't give up; we didn't bust our butts in school all those years for nothing!
Nurse Joker
22 Posts
i failed the NCLEX twice too, so don't feel alone. i too felt depressed because i put a lot of time and effort into my review. i did the kaplan and ncsbn review courses and still managed to fail with 265 questions. i'm still grieving over the exam but i'm getting ready to review again, quite possibly will purchase the Saunders NCLEX review 4th edition to review the content. just try to relax in the mean time and collect yourself, then prepare yourself to give the NCLEX another shot. just keep trying at it, and you'll succeed!
64 Posts
This will be my 4th time taking this exam. I felt that way everytime. You have the tools to pass this test, you just need to know how to use them. Don't feel like your not good enough bc, you are highly capable of it. Some of the best nurses had to take this exam several times. This test is unlike any other test, and I hope that you know, its also about test taking strategies not just about what you know. Also, dont rush to take it, this is something you need to really need to progress through. I believe that you can pass!!! so dont give up.
I took two reviews: Kaplan and Hurst, they both have pass rates in the 90th percentile. Some reviews jsut arent meant for you or rather, there is something that your not quite catching onto. Perhaps your going through the motions, but not identifying the problem you have with the actual exam.
38,333 Posts
Don't get discouraged and give up. There are people who don't pass until their 6th or 8th try. If they had given up after their second try, they wouldn't be nurses today. As long as you keep at it, there will come a day, when you, too, will pass. Good luck.
77 Posts
sorry you failed,
I found this message that i have save and it helps me on my review which sometimes i read it, by PINKSUNFLOWER
"Regardless of the outcome, Im prepared and will accept the reality.At first, it will really hurt but it is where in ur point of life where u can see how strong u really are as an individual. Just think of it as a challenge for u to stand up again and have the courage to face the truth.It is better that u failed now, rather than passing the exam too early that u lack the knowledge and skills in nursing and would be a reason for your loss of licence eventually. I know it really sucks but then its not only you who faces this kind of trail in this stage of our nursing profession. So cheer up and I hope that both of us will soon be a part of our chosen field. And remember this: Failure is part of success. by pinksunflower"
It's nice, isn't it? :-)
thank you guys for your advise and support
57 Posts
I have not taken the NCLEX yet but am very nervous because I do horrible on tests. It's just not a stregnth of mine. I failed my driver's test twice and didn't get a liscence untill I was practically a grandmother. The trick was to be very very prepared, and if I didn't feel ready, I waited...but not too long. And I know people in my program ahead of me who have failed the nclex twice. One of them can't even show thier face. I think that's silly, life happens and we all do what we can.