Failed NCLEX


Took the NCLEX at 8 am this morning and according to the Pearson Vue Trick I failed it. I am so disappointed in myself. I feel like I worked two years for nothing. I would appreciate those who have passed it please give me some advice. I did Hurst Review and did tons of questions. :crying2::crying2:

i also did hurst and fail. i think their q's arent that helpful. im on kaplan right now.. and i hope im doin better. anyhow, try LACHARITY. and also examcram i heard its good. if i pass nclex with kaplan, ill let you know. but for now, dont study yet.. just sad.. do wtver it takes to help u move on. ok? i know how you feel.

and PRAY. im so sorry.

I'm sorry to hear that. I bought Hurst book but it seemed like I was having a playful conversation with someone I hadn't seen in a long time. I guess her teaching style just didn't work for me. I found the questions to be way to easy. I used LaCharity (a must have for prioritization and delegation), Kaplan strategies, Exam Cram, NCLEX 3500, and Kaplan trainer. I also studied Saunders for content before doing any of the kaplan trainer questions. Kaplan is hard but it made me think and that's what I needed. I agree with suns, take some time to relax and feel sad, then set up a study plan for yourself.

Don't feel like a failure and don't beat yourself up, it is a waste of valuable time. Focus on what you can do to do better next time. Treat yourself to something special, be good to yourself, give yourself credit for getting as far as you did, some people couldn't even do what you have accomplished. Realize that you are human, and not a robot, like has ups and downs that can affect you. Move forward and think positive.

awwww,hugs!!!Please take your time and then come up with another strategy.I wish you luck on your next exam.

im not sure if i made it but i got a gud pop-up. i think its very helpful to take both KAPLAN & NCSBN, it was for me.

I would not be dealing with negative thoughts until you find out your official results.

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