Failed out in last semester

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in Pediatrics.

So I failed out of my program this week and failed by three points. All I ever wanted to do was help people and I love science. I spoke to one of my family members and she is encouraging me to appeal/write to the Dean. I feel this would be insufficient based on that I failed a class and repeated it and withdrew once. With the failure I got a B+ the next time around and with the withdrawal I got a C+ almost a B. This counts as my two chances. I honestly did try my best but suffer from depression at times an anxiety. I am a single mother that is living in transitional housing and working . I never really spoke about this to my professors. I actually became homeless before entering the program and ended up in a shelter the first semester which was why I failed that semester. I honestly in my heart want to be a nurse but it seems programs like these are not meant for people like me. I had very little support during this whole time and had babysitters bail on me several times of which was my mother and the other a friend in the program. I want to go back to school as soon as I can but feel discouraged. I was hoping to graduate and work in a small community hospital where I grew up to give back to the community.

My professors sat with me and said I would make a great nurse but the timing is bad for me because I have too much on my plate. They said they would write me recommendations/references for a nearby LPN program. But honestly when will the timing ever be good? They asked how was my score on the predictor exam and I told them I got a 92% chance of passing the nclex on the first try. I think they we're taken back by that as my test grades in class were borderline. I blame myself for taking off more than I could chew with this one. I just keep telling my family this appeal/letter is a waste but they want me to try.

I thought about the LPN route but just realized by the time I finish my science prerequisites will be too old for most schools for an ADN/BSN program. I am at a loss right now and just trying to do the bare minimum to keep afloat in daily life for now. I will probably end up back in the shelter because I was hoping I would graduate, now I have nothing to show for all this time spent. I was thinking about just taking me and my daughter and moving to another state because NY is just not a good place to financially survive. I am trying to write down my options but get quickly discouraged as I feel I have never really been able to succeed in my goals. Maybe being a nurse is actually an unrealistic goal but I just didn't see it. I just feel like a failure at this point and stupid.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I think maybe this was a mistake posting this.


To begin with, I am so sorry you failed out and that you are going through some major problems in your life. In you post you mentioned that the nursing schools were not designed to students like you. Not to say it is untrue, but the state of the matter is, the nursing programs are designed by same blueprint: they are rigorous, fast-paced, and use a very rigorous assessment criteria that leaves no room for mistakes. Unfortunately, if a student fails, the school and professors cannot do anything about it. By the program's standards, everyone is equal and thus is treated equally no matter how poor you are or whatever problems you may have. For example, a friend of mine entered into accelerated BSN which was 12 months. It was very intense and she did so well, but she got sick for 3 weeks, and therefore, was dismissed because she could not keep up and score high on the finals. Yes, she did not ask to be sick. But the school she attended had the criteria that she did not meet.

You also said you would be too old by the time you finish your pre-reqs. Really? Who says someone is to young or to old to go back to school? The friend of mine I just talked about went to school when she was 35.

Finally, in terms of not do it. Like you said it would the waste of time.

My advice to you is, take it slow. Yes, it is not something you would want to hear. However, taking the time to think everything through and, maybe, develop some short/long term goals, and a plan to follow through. Maybe this will help you keep motivated, because right now you sound to be so devastated; seems like you are about to give up. Don't! Remember, there is always the light at the end of the tunnel.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

To begin with, I am so sorry you failed out and that you are going through some major problems in your life. In you post you mentioned that the nursing schools were not designed to students like you. Not to say it is untrue, but the state of the matter is, the nursing programs are designed by same blueprint: they are rigorous, fast-paced, and use a very rigorous assessment criteria that leaves no room for mistakes. Unfortunately, if a student fails, the school and professors cannot do anything about it. By the program's standards, everyone is equal and thus is treated equally no matter how poor you are or whatever problems you may have. For example, a friend of mine entered into accelerated BSN which was 12 months. It was very intense and she did so well, but she got sick for 3 weeks, and therefore, was dismissed because she could not keep up and score high on the finals. Yes, she did not ask to be sick. But the school she attended had the criteria that she did not meet.

You also said you would be too old by the time you finish your pre-reqs. Really? Who says someone is to young or to old to go back to school? The friend of mine I just talked about went to school when she was 35.

Finally, in terms of not do it. Like you said it would the waste of time.

My advice to you is, take it slow. Yes, it is not something you would want to hear. However, taking the time to think everything through and, maybe, develop some short/long term goals, and a plan to follow through. Maybe this will help you keep motivated, because right now you sound to be so devastated; seems like you are about to give up. Don't! Remember, there is always the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you so much for responding and your advice. I actually meant my prerequisites would be to old and would have to be taken over because most schools say no older than five years.

You are right I am very devastated and honestly trying to figure out how to survive at this point. It honestly is just me and my daughter with very little help. I just want to be able to go for what I really want and be financially self sufficient. I feel like I set myself up for failure.

I am going to take your advice and think through some short term and long term goals. It's just I am so overwhelmed right now and embarrassed. Thanks again!

Hi Aspirational Beauty. I was touched by your post. What the poster above said is true..even though you are confronted with some tribulations..nursing school doesn't leave any room for anybody honestly. It's a rigorous, fast paced, and self paced program where you are constantly evaluated for safety, efficacy and consistency. I want to tell you PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP. If this is your dream job you will find a way no matter what..even if it takes a while.

I'm an example myself. I failed out of a fourth semester Maternal Class in a BSN program. The instructors told me I wasn't at the right competency to continue onto preceptorship. I was DEVESTATED! Damn near depression. I tried appealing to the school since that was my ONLY failure and they didn't even allow me back in. I was 97% done with my bachelors degree by the way. So here I am...dedicated 2 years of hard work and sacrifice and I had nothing to show for it. So I took a break ..reflected on my errors and ways and found out what I needed to do for myself to achieve my goals. I didn't listen to any negative talk at all. So I got into an ADN program ..y the Grace of God transferred my credits and got into the same semester I failed out of at my BSN program. However, once I passed that class I had to repeat my Medical Surgical Clinical because of an clinical error I made. Once again another set back I was due to be in preceptorship in 2 days. Wondering if this was even meant for me anymore? I had an amazing instructor tell me not to give up and that she would save my spot for next semester. Here I am now a graduated nurse about to take the NCLEX in a month. It's taken me 3 years of set back and tribulations but through faith, support, and self determination I did it. And you can do it too. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. I realize looking back that I wasn't as safe as I thought, and I have gained much more awareness and knowledge especially working as a student tech in a critical care unit. So I encourage you to look at your options--LPN maybe you can do the equivalency test? Call your state BON and ask about the required documentation to sit for the PN. Sit for it..pass...get your license and you can easily transfer into an RN program. I don't think any pre-reqs are really required, however you can ask and make it work. If you don't want to do that..then start all over. I have a friend who literally had to start from scratch because her nursing school shut down. How bad do you want it ? One day you will become a nurse...just don't give up on your dreams. You've got to fight and fight hard. Nursing school is a journey of self reflection. Good look in your journey.

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

If you were almost done with your RN program, find out if your state allows you to sit for the LPN exam. Many times, you can do an LPN-to-RN bridge program and then the question of how old your science pre-reqs are don't come in to play. That might be the solution you're looking for until you get your life in order and are able to focus 100% on school. I'm sorry you've had a rough go in your life. Nursing school is hard enough without life getting in the way and piling on the hardship.

Best of luck to you :D

I'm just wondering, have you taken advantage of federal student loans? If you attend a program at a community college with low tuition and take out some loans you should be able to pull through.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Thank you for the advice SopranoKris! New York no longer allows this:(. I will still try to weigh out the lpn bridge option and finding another ADN program or trying to just go straight for my BSN.

Specializes in Pediatrics.
Hi Aspirational Beauty. I was touched by your post. What the poster above said is true..even though you are confronted with some tribulations..nursing school doesn't leave any room for anybody honestly. It's a rigorous, fast paced, and self paced program where you are constantly evaluated for safety, efficacy and consistency. I want to tell you PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP. If this is your dream job you will find a way no matter what..even if it takes a while.

I'm an example myself. I failed out of a fourth semester Maternal Class in a BSN program. The instructors told me I wasn't at the right competency to continue onto preceptorship. I was DEVESTATED! Damn near depression. I tried appealing to the school since that was my ONLY failure and they didn't even allow me back in. I was 97% done with my bachelors degree by the way. So here I am...dedicated 2 years of hard work and sacrifice and I had nothing to show for it. So I took a break ..reflected on my errors and ways and found out what I needed to do for myself to achieve my goals. I didn't listen to any negative talk at all. So I got into an ADN program ..y the Grace of God transferred my credits and got into the same semester I failed out of at my BSN program. However, once I passed that class I had to repeat my Medical Surgical Clinical because of an clinical error I made. Once again another set back I was due to be in preceptorship in 2 days. Wondering if this was even meant for me anymore? I had an amazing instructor tell me not to give up and that she would save my spot for next semester. Here I am now a graduated nurse about to take the NCLEX in a month. It's taken me 3 years of set back and tribulations but through faith, support, and self determination I did it. And you can do it too. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. I realize looking back that I wasn't as safe as I thought, and I have gained much more awareness and knowledge especially working as a student tech in a critical care unit. So I encourage you to look at your options--LPN maybe you can do the equivalency test? Call your state BON and ask about the required documentation to sit for the PN. Sit for it..pass...get your license and you can easily transfer into an RN program. I don't think any pre-reqs are really required, however you can ask and make it work. If you don't want to do that..then start all over. I have a friend who literally had to start from scratch because her nursing school shut down. How bad do you want it ? One day you will become a nurse...just don't give up on your dreams. You've got to fight and fight hard. Nursing school is a journey of self reflection. Good look in your journey.

Thank you so much for the encouragement! Your story is very encouraging. Unfortunately my state doesn't allow me to sit for the lpn in this situation. I am just trying to figure out if I should try another ADN program or just go for my bachelors. I have a lot of credits I believe I could use towards a BSN which would cut down the time I would have to be in school.

Specializes in Pediatrics.
I'm just wondering, have you taken advantage of federal student loans? If you attend a program at a community college with low tuition and take out some loans you should be able to pull through.

I was in an ADN program at a community college so most of my federal aid(grant money) has been exhausted. And for NY aid I have two semester left but it can only be applied to a Bachelors they told me. I would have to take out loans which I don't Ind because nursing is what I want to do. Besides the need of support, financially I figured it better to find an affordable program out of state and move there. I have relatives in other states willing to help me get on my feet. Herr in NY my support is very limited and cost of living is very high.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Community, Nurse Manager, hospice.

I'm very sorry about what you're going through.

I think you are on the right track when you are thinking about moving to where you have more support. Especially if it means that you would have stable housing.

What do you think were the biggest factors causing you to fail? Fix those before you transfer to a BSN program.

Good Luck to you!

Specializes in Pediatrics.
I'm very sorry about what you're going through.

I think you are on the right track when you are thinking about moving to where you have more support. Especially if it means that you would have stable housing.

What do you think were the biggest factors causing you to fail? Fix those before you transfer to a BSN program.

Good Luck to you!

I think I definitely had poor time management when it came to balancing without a support system. My time management would be great in the beginning and then as things started falling apart I would develop anxiety and become depressed. I think I need to be more resilient and have more confidence in my abilities along with a better support system. I have been researching nursing programs in areas where I would have some support. So far I have come up with Maryland. My cousin is an RN and is willing to help me, She also said she would probably be able to get me a job at her hospital,probably as a tech. So far this seems to be the most beneficial choice. Thank you for your advice!

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