FAILED my exam today. Asking for HELP re: study tips


Took my exam earlier today and found out (through the PV trick) that I didn't make it.. I'm really depressed about it but I know that I will have to find a way to get back up on my feet and try again..

I need tips about how to study well for this exam because right now I'm just really exhausted and I'm not sure what I did wrong.. I probably need to answer more practice exams.

Still depressed with the results but I know its not the end of the world..

P.S.- I'm a Filipino and currently reside in the Philippines (but will be leaving the country before this month ends) and I'm new here.. Would really be nice to have Filipino friends on here..

Let's hear your stories about the NCLEX.. Thanks in advance and God bless..

I used Saunders mostly and did 4 trainer question parts on Kaplan and about 16% on qbank, yet I passed with 75 questions. I believe no matter what resource you use for preparation, don't jump into multiple resources and be consistent. Just choose the one and study efficiently as much as you can everyday. To me Kaplan was useless. I felt like it was waste of money and time. Also, I studied at least 12 hours per day X 10 days before I took Nclex. Good luck!

Try La,charity, Saunders 4e..also the nclex rn cram helps a lot too..

Try La,charity, Saunders 4e..also the nclex rn cram helps a lot too..

I keep hearing about that cram thing, what is it? Is it a book? An online course?

EXAM CRAM is a book published by Pearson Education, it comes with a CD. It really helps me alot to build my confidence and able to pass the ΝCLEX! you can buy that at Barnes & Nobles... Goodluck!!!

Exam Cram is a book by Rinehart, Sloan & Hurd - it is condensed information. Saunders & LaCharity both have newer editions. :up:

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