Published Aug 6, 2009
50 Posts
just cmae back from taking essentials of nursing care: health Differences.....received a D....I felt pretty confident walking into the exam, but guess not. Does anyone know how the failure/retest policy works for nursing exams? and I am under the new plan of $1600 for the first year which covers all exmas...does anyone know if I have to pay for the retest?
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
Hmmm ... not sure how that'll work under the new payment structure! You should call and ask. I don't see it anywhere in the brochure or catalog, besides where it says you can only take an exam four times before you're out of the program. Sorry you didn't pass! Did you take the EC practice exams?
I did take the practice exams.....I did the first 1 before actually studying to see where I stood and got a 45%, after studying for about a 63% and, focused on the areas I did bad on.....I don't know that happened, I felt very confident taking the test, but I guess I was wrong
What did you use as your study source? Textbooks, notes?
1,845 Posts
You should not have to pay to retake it under the ADN plan. But you will have to wait 60 days. Move on to the next test and come back to it. I failed that test too. Don't feel bad.
I used studygroup101,lisaarends, practice exams, fluid and electrolyes made easy...and my older nursing books from my 4yr bsn program that I didn't succeed in, ....yea I will continue to the next text....just a little down because of my past experience with nursing school
I'm sure you'll nail it next time -- hang in there!
95 Posts
keep your chin up I failed that exam twice, I saved that exam for my last one. When I did pass it; it was only with a c.
Raggedy Ann
756 Posts
Hugs to you...Shake it off, and keep the confidence. YOU CAN DO IT !!! Traci
thanks, let me get started onto NC3 ....for Essentials of Nursing Care: Chronicity.....i think that's what it's called.
10 Posts
Hi, Sorry...but I failed one as well, now and I lost two b/c I did not con't now I am starting over...not gonna give up!
38,333 Posts
Get involved with the material for your next exam and you will start to feel better. A lot of students have the unfortunate experience of failing one or more of the exams, but go on to succeed. You can too. Good luck.