extreme nurses


I only saw it once, an advertisments that featured nurses that actually made me chuckle. The thing is that I do not remember what product they were selling. The advertisment showed two plump middle aged women in scrubs wearing stethescopes standing in a nurses station jamming like rock stars. It then said, Extreme Nurses, something, something. I was amused without being put off or offended. Anyone else see it, what did you think.

Ok, that was hilarious :rotfl: :rotfl:

I also had to check out what the center for nursing advocacy had to say about it because I couldn't figure out what there was to be offended about in the commercial. They do review the commercial here


but they couldn't find anything to be offended about either.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
But the Nursing Advocacy folks didn't appreciate it much, I guess.

I've come to the conclusion that's their take on everything.

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

I think it's a pretty fair depiction of nurses....after all, when we are swamped most of us just get a handful of nuts to eat for a 12 hr. shift...a little protein pick-me up!!!!

Specializes in M/S/Tele, Home Health, Gen ICU.

Great ad, sometimes you just have to escape from a crazy day and I'm off to head bang and eat some nuts right now :rotfl:

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

That ad is great! Just think what they'd be like with a couple of cups of coffee to go with those nuts :rotfl:

What a hoot!!!!

It is so funny. I do not see anything wrong or offensive about it

I love that ad- could it have been at the end of a 12 hour night shift? 5th day in a row

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

Thanks for the link. I never heard of the nuts before...I love the ads...especially the nurses of course :chuckle

I loved that! Too funny :)

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