Published Jul 14, 2006
1 Post
I wanted to get into a nursing program but I took all the pre-req about 9 years ago. I just hate to have to retake anatomy, physiology, chemistry ets... all over again. I checked into one nursing program so far but the classes are only valid for 7 years. Can anybody give me an advice? Do I have any hope to get into a R.N. program without retaking everything?
Thank you!
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
I wanted to get into a nursing program but I took all the pre-req about 9 years ago. I just hate to have to retake anatomy, physiology, chemistry ets... all over again. I checked into one nursing program so far but the classes are only valid for 7 years. Can anybody give me an advice? Do I have any hope to get into a R.N. program without retaking everything?Thank you!
Depends on the school. Mine allowed 10 years. Maybe there's another school with a wider margin that's an option for you?
Otherwise, unless it's something you can take a CLEP exam for, you'd have to re-take the course. I had to re-take psych 101 because it was over the time limit, which probably doesn't seem funny unless you know I had a prior degree with a minor in psych: and had three higher level psych courses after 101. But I needed 101 as a pre-req, the others weren't necessary....yeesh. I took it again.
See what other schools can do, and see about a CLEP through Excelsior.
168 Posts
Well, I was in your shoes. Did them all back in '97 going through them again, said I never would but here I am. A&P 2 and Chem. left then I am done. Just do it, it will be a good refresher course for you.
2,016 Posts
I went half way thru my nursing program and had to drop out due to family illness. When I finally went back I had to take EVERYTHING over...even Englishs and Algebra. Trust me: you WANT to repeat A&P, micro, etc...there's no way you retained enough to make it thru nursing school without major struggle. It'll be over before you know it
190 Posts
I finished 1 1/2 years (and all pre-req's) of a diploma program in 1990. Yes, I had to retake the science(A&PI, Chemistry, A&PII, Micro)but they still accepted all my psych, sociology, english comp, growth & developement.
It will go by very fast & you will be amazed at what you have retained! I ended up making A's when I retook them! GOOD LUCK!
PS. Needless to say I also have to retake all the nursing courses too! I start in the fall! Wish me luck!
PS....How odd my school makes you retake anything older than 5 years, someone else has said older than 7 another school within last 10 years. Guess it pays to "shop around"!:-)
367 Posts
My community college and the one in the next county NEVER expire classes! I was quite surprised when I was inquiring about becoming a radiography technician (didn't go that route anyway) that my physics classes from 1983 were still good as far as they were concerned. They told me they don't expire any classes, not even science classes.
98 Posts
Our sciences expire after five years... except Chem, which doesn't expire at all. Some of the schools in our area offer the option of testing out of expired classes through the biology department (not clep testing).
Check each school for their specific policy. It may be beneficial to talk to the nursing advisors at the different schools.
401 Posts
There are a couple of people in my class that are retaking due to classes expiring. One also had to take A&P over as her transcript did not list that she had a lab coupled with the class during the first go around. The only thing I can tell you is that she is getting A's and said it is much easier, but she also took the class about 10 years ago. She has to take though, as she is getting ready for an Accelerated BSN.
Wow, that's actually shocking. My school, part of the SUNY system, works like all the SUNY schools: no science classes beyond a certain time. I'm 99% sure it was 10 years; it included psychology as well even though it wasn't a "science" component. They just felt that the info would be too old to translate to today's nursing program.
While I wouldn't relish having to take anything over, I can't imagine having classes from the early 80's still fulfilling current educational requirements. Heck, at that time, only the computer students were using computers, and look at the state of education expectations today!
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
Find out if you can CLEP the classes. If you can not pass the CLEP than that tells you you really need to re-take the classes anyway. It could very froms school to school My friend just started PA school three weeks ago. She only had to re-take anatomy and physiology, and have a college algebra course. No new chem (but she did anyway for a re-fresher) and not micro. And she is going to one of the finer schools in California
125 Posts
I would check other schools. Each school has their own wacky requirements. Mine requires that just ONE of the prereqs to be taken within the last 5 years. I took Micro 12 years ago, but A & P last year, so I'm on the waiting list.
I've seen 5, 7, and 10 year recency requirements, as well as some that don't care how long ago you took them.
49 Posts
Everything near me has a 5 or 10 year expiration and unfortunately, I took the pre-reqs 11 years ago. Or perhaps it was 12.... either way, they're expired.
I'm just going ahead and re-taking them. I figure it is best for me anyways because honestly, although I aced the classes the first time around, my memory of the content isn't quite as good as it should be and if I want to be competitive in a nursing program, I figure I need to be up to speed anyways.