Excited About Acceptance to Nursing School?


On Friday I received the much anticipated acceptance letter into a BSN program which I applied to in January. At the time I was also considering a community college if I did not get accepted or if I found no resources to fund my education. I already have a BA from the university which I applied. I am not trying to accumulate an abundant amount of debt. Any suggestions for funding? Should I simply reconsider the community college.



A home and your education are the two most important financial investments you'll ever make..go for the BSN!

Specializes in Home Care.

You could talk to the folks in financial aid at both the community college and the university to figure out what each will cost you.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

I am doing community and getting financial aide and federal loans (mainly to pay for childcare) and then bridging into a BSN program after. Anyway, I just wanted to say Congratulations on your acceptance.

I am doing community and getting financial aide and federal loans (mainly to pay for childcare) and then bridging into a BSN program after. Anyway, I just wanted to say Congratulations on your acceptance.

I like your profile message 'what happens in clinicals, stays in clinicals'.... cute. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas :clown: :D -- The original.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

I saw it on a friends facebook photos, she had some pretty funny ones. And yes, what happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas!!!

Congrats on getting accepted! I say, do whatever it takes to complete the BSN program.

hello I am interested becoming a registered nurse and I would to get some more information on becoming a registered nurse and im in the process in applying for colleges.

Hi Kaylee15:

1st volunteer at a hospital, interview nurses in different fields with wide ranges of experience from novice to mentor. Do this to determine if this is what you want because what non-nurses or even nursing admission counselors often leave out is that many brand new nurses end up hating it and leaving nursing all together within the 1st year and it is NOT ALWAYS easy to find a job. Next research jobs on hospital websites, indeed, simply hired etc. Look at requirements to determine if you need an ADN or BSN. After you decide what is best for you and will get you the job research boards of nursing to determine which schools have the highest pass rates on the license exam. Then research the school and contact the school of nursing or dept.of nursing to obtain more info on admission requirements. Hope that helps!


ER Nurse

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