Excelsior - how fast can it be completed?

Nursing Students Online Learning


Specializes in Level III cardiac/telemetry.

I'm considering doing the Excelsior program and wondering how fast it can be completed? Is it feasable to complete 1 nursing concept class a month? I have all the general eds completed so that's not an issue. Just wondering if I could do it in 9 months or so?

Specializes in Dialysis, Home Care, Med-Surg in 4/07.

I also had pre-reqs completed when I went through the program. Took me about a year, but it was the wait time on the CPNE that held me up. I took 2 tests together the 1st time then one a month after that.

Specializes in PICU, ED, Infection Control, Education, cardiology.

I started the program with all my pre req's with the exception of micro(which I want to do in the summer at the comm. college) and inform. lit. through EC. I take 2 exams a month. I get paid bi-weekly and pay for an exam everytime i get a paycheck. I enrolled in Feb. and I have 6 + 7 left which I will register for in 2 weeks when I get paid agian and take them in april. So all in all I will have completed the NC exams in about 3 months.

In the past I have read about persons completing in 9 months, and one inidividual who completed in 7 months. But that was in the days before 6 month waits for the CPNE at the end. I have been enrolled twice. The first time I took two tests per testing day successfully. Some people have stated that they are taking their tests every two weeks. If you can devote yourself to intense study and/or are good at test taking in general, you could probably do it. Of course, the people who finish the program in the least amount of time are most likely those who have all the prerequisite courses completed before they send in their enrollment application. Another way to save time is to contact the testing centers and make yourself available for any CPNE cancellation dates at the end. Good luck to you.

Specializes in Level III cardiac/telemetry.

thanks for the replies. My LPN program was self-paced and I set a record for how fast I went through so I don't think the motivation and intensity of studying will be an issue. I'm still trying to get some clarification from my BON on their Excelsior policy. If they will accept it, it would work so much better for my schedule because I'm hoping to be able to get married this fall. I won't be able to do that if I do the program at my community college because it requires clinicals every saturday - got to have a little time for a honeymoon ya know!

I've been taking an exam every other month. I schedule so that I do the reading, don't do it anyway, reschedule, and then cram.


One of the other girls on here finished the program in 9 months. It took her 5 months of waiting on the CPNE. I will be trying to do something similar. I will be open for all test dates anywhere in the country and have saved money to be able to pay everything really fast so that I can be done. I won't get to enroll until october thouh. I have taken the practice test for the first class without studying and got a 75% and they say that as long as you get a 70% or better you will be able to pass the actual exam. I made myself a schedule for when I start and follow that. Scheduling my exams as soon as I pay for them so that I can have them already on my calendar. I am hoping to be done with all 7 exams in 2months and 1 week then having my cpne within 3 months. So that I can graduate in their graduation in July of 2008 even though I am not starting until October. My apologies for my long drawn out rant. It's too early.


Specializes in LTAC, Telemetry, Thoracic Surgery, ED.

I finished NC1-NC7 in 6 months (exempt NC2 as LPN) I have 1 Gen Ed class to take prior to being CPNE eligible and a couple more Gen Ed's to take while I'm waiting for a CPNE date......I think a year is a solid realistic time frame with all the waits for ppwk and such.

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