Ever Had Second Thoughts?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I sometimes have second thoughts about nursing. I wonder if it's because the journey to get from start to finish is so long and as I continue chipping away at my prereqs it's inevitable that doubts creep in from time to time. I sometimes doubt I've got the assertiveness that nursing requires. Many of my classmates are the classic outgoing, outspoken types that I tend to envy thinking they will indeed become the best nurses.

I'm a introvert by nature, however after spending 20 years in high tech I've managed to learn how to shift into a more assertive personality when it's necessary.

My goals include taking some assertiveness training while I'm on the waiting list.

I hear that the reason that nurses are in short demand is because of the hazing from upper management and burnout. I really hope that's not true about nursing as a whole. I haven't pinpointed the area of nursing I want to go into yet, although I'm drawn to mental health and maybe chemical dependent patients.

I guess I'm just having one of those days and I'm running into people who have negative perspective on nursing and that what I'm being warned about isn't true for all nursing areas. I'm not interested in a career, no matter what the pay is, where I come home each day feeling mowed over.

Maybe this feeling is because I'm having my Physiology midterm in about 6 hours -- ughh. Tension is high.

I don't mean to be a bummer -- any input?

I'm smiling !! Thanks StPaulieGirl ! Deep breath......gathering up my #2 pencil.....making sure I have change to buy my parscore sheet at the bookstore, and off I go!! hee heee -- like a little leaf floating down the stream!! Can you tell I've been studying blood flow and peripheral resistance? Okay, I'm silly now....pre-test jitters...

ps: I loved SAN ANTONIO !! I went to visit cousins a few years ago and I cried all the way back to California ! I had a good ol time !! I was in heaven at the rodeo -- the men were sooo nice -- even got called Ma'am a few times which just melted me !! Stay in touch StPaulieGirl......

I'm smiling !! Thanks StPaulieGirl ! Deep breath......gathering up my #2 pencil.....making sure I have change to buy my parscore sheet at the bookstore, and off I go!! hee heee -- like a little leaf floating down the stream!! Can you tell I've been studying blood flow and peripheral resistance? Okay, I'm silly now....pre-test jitters...

ps: I loved SAN ANTONIO !! I went to visit cousins a few years ago and I cried all the way back to California ! I had a good ol time !! I was in heaven at the rodeo -- the men were sooo nice -- even got called Ma'am a few times which just melted me !! Stay in touch StPaulieGirl......

You can always come back to SA. You even got a friend "down there" now,....Me We have Fiesta going this week, lots of fun!

You will be ok. Read the questions carefully!

I've just registered for A&P 2 for the fall semester and I got in with the professor I wanted, I am happy about that!!!!!!

Now go and "Git 'er done"

Specializes in NICU/L&D, Hospice.

While nursing isn't for everyone, you know deep down if it is for you. And anything worth having is all that sweeter when you have to work to get it. Sometimes I'll be studying for a test, or doing a care plan and I get that sigh, you know...do I really want to do this? It takes less than 2 seconds to whip myself back into gear.

I get tears thinking about other people, people I don't really know, and all that ails them. I know, deep down in my heart, that I want to help in what ever small way I can.

The road to get there is hard. It should be. No, there shouldn't be "mean, vindictive instructors, but the world is made up of many different personalities.

Don't give up, unless you know you won't be a caring nurse. The world needs us...seriously needs us.

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.

So long as your thoughts come quickly and go quickly, you should be fine. I am not a Nursing Student yet, but I do not doubt I will be soon.

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.
I I sometimes doubt I've got the assertiveness that nursing requires. Many of my classmates are the classic outgoing, outspoken types that I tend to envy thinking they will indeed become the best nurses.

I do not think that being outspoken is a good quality in nursing. Sure I would want some one that is cheerful and compationate, but not outspoken! Although I can be quiet when I need to be, I often envy those that are soft spoken that have soft voices. I want to go into OB and I think a nice calming voice is somthing I would want to hear in labor, not some outspoken nurse how would risk getting his or her lights punched out when I went into transition...

Hi, I am starting my pre-req for nursing, and i have those doubtfull days as well. Wondering if i will be good enough, and my grades can keep up with everyone elses. But I wanted to say to cathleenmermaid, I have been a medical assistant for 10years (MA). I think that is what you asked about, and I can say that it's worth trying to be an RN. You get paid twice as much, and you are allowed to do much more then a MA. As an MA in a doctors office you do injections,draw blood etc,things you cant do in the hospital. I worked in the E.R for 2 years and got to do things there that is so interesting, It made me just finally say to myself that I deserved to be an RN> As an RN(or any healthcare worker) you do work hard, and sometimes you do get overworked and stressed!! U do get into sad, happy, exiting moments all within your workday,but talking with your patient, helping them, getting to know them, you feel the satisfaction every day you go home.

Also as an RN you get more respect then MA.

If you like variety, then be a nurse, lol

I do not think that being outspoken is a good quality in nursing. Sure I would want some one that is cheerful and compationate, but not outspoken! Although I can be quiet when I need to be, I often envy those that are soft spoken that have soft voices. I want to go into OB and I think a nice calming voice is somthing I would want to hear in labor, not some outspoken nurse how would risk getting his or her lights punched out when I went into transition...

There is a time when and when not to be outspoken....you can't be timid in leadership positions...you need a certain level of assetiveness to keep things under control and correct wrongs ;) ....Just know when and how!!!!

Specializes in Operating Room.
There is a time when and when not to be outspoken....you can't be timid in leadership positions...you need a certain level of assetiveness to keep things under control and correct wrongs ;) ....Just know when and how!!!!

Outspoken also doesn't mean loud! :uhoh3: I can't stand being in the hospital, either as a patient or visitor, and hearing a nurse coming in and yelling at me using his/her inside voice. :chuckle

(...not meaning to yell, just talks too loudly!)

Outspoken also doesn't mean loud! :uhoh3: I can't stand being in the hospital, either as a patient or visitor, and hearing a nurse coming in and yelling at me using his/her inside voice. :chuckle

(...not meaning to yell, just talks too loudly!)

People who need to yell don't have power....there are other ways to get your point across.

I was a patient and after my surgery one of the patients and nurse in my room had a very loud and lively conversation while I was in agony ....at least I managed with my drugged head to get my lips to squeeze out to them to please keep it down.

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