ER T-shirts


Does anyone have any ideas about ER t-shirts.

We had one ideas watch it...we live it.

Any others would be great.


Specializes in Emergency room, med/surg, UR/CSR.
Does anyone have any ideas about ER t-shirts.

We had one ideas watch it...we live it.

Any others would be great.


That idea is already taken. ENA had the shirts available with that on it at one time. Check their site.

How about: ER, we're prepared for your next emergency, are you? Have a caraciture (sic?) of a car crunched against a tree or something. Keep us posted on what you come up with.

Also, Kohls had a Tshirt come out during the winter with a kid snowboarding in three frames, with him hitting a tree in the third frame. The caption on the shirt was "Hello Hospital." I bought one and wore it at Christmas.


Specializes in ER.

The Indiana ENA sells the "ER-you watch it we live it" shirts on there web site, it is under fundraiser on the home page.

How about maybe a T with all the funny abbrev. we use like DRT=Dead Right There, and GOMER=Get Outta My Emergency Room! Just a thought How abput thinking up a shirt with the Top 10 reasons to be an ER nurse. That's all I can think of for now.

I saw a good one that said "We Bust Ours To Save Yours." ;)

Saw another one that said something about if you don't wear your seatbelt, we'll see you naked later. hehe

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Education.

I have a "Montana Paramedics" shirt that I've always wanted to adapt into an ED shirt:

Feed the Bears

Squat with your spurs on.

Let your kids ride the elk.

Tell a local you're from California.

Drive fast and pass on curves.

We thank you for your support!

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

I first saw this one at Colorado General, in the late 70's:


We used it for strike shirts later at another hosp.

Specializes in ER.

Saw a good one " For a Good time call 911". Have alos seen "Trauma Junkie".

How about:

A lack of planning and foresight on your part does not necessarily constitute an


on our part.


how about:

a lack of planning and foresight on your part does not necessarily constitute an


on our part.


love it!!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thanks ERNurse - it's a saying that often comes to mind when I'm trying to do several very important things at once (chest compressions, suctioning, bagging - you know) and someone asks when the doctor is going to see them about that toenail that's been bothering them for 5 weeks and they're going on holidays today and why can't they get any help - yep nothing like a little chuckle to help us through the day, right?

exactly. or when they come get you out of a room with a pt that is crashing just to ask if mom can have a tray because she hasn't eaten all day( at 1am). i want one that says i am a nurse not a: waitress, housekeeper, babysitter, concierge, referree, drug-dealer, prostitute, marrige cousellor, etc

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