Epic (Nursing) FAILS!

Like any good team member, nurses come to work with our game face on: ready to run hard, field phone calls, intercept doctors, and run interference for our patients. Here's what happens when we play like we left our heads behind in the locker room.


I once destroyed a patient room within five minutes of starting my shift.

It was fortunate that the two ladies who occupied the semi-private room were AA & O and had a sense of humor. You have to know your shift is going to be a bad one when you walk into a room and trip over someone's catheter, then dump a custard in the other patient's lap. As an encore, you then open a cabinet, and 500 little paper cups fall onto your head. Then, after you've retrieved them all and stand up, you forget the door is still open and thump your cranium so soundly that you see stars and go sprawling on your posterior. The cups wind up on the floor again.....and in the meantime, two very concerned women are peering at you over the counter. And YOU'RE supposed to be taking care of THEM.

A good friend of mine was a champion IV starter who could get a line in a rutabaga if it needed one. One day after several of us tried without success to stick this 400-lb. patient with an active case of DTs and no palpable veins, we called Anna in to try to locate something so we could get some meds on board. Bless her, she got a 20g in the cephalic vein on her very first try and flushed the line.....but then she got all bollixed up in the tape while trying to secure the site. She must've had a yard of the stuff wrapped around her fingers. She couldn't pull it loose, and no one else in the room could help her because we were using all our muscle power to hold the patient down while the nursing supervisor and the tech were trying to buckle him into four-points. "Tape is our friend," Anna quipped.

Speaking of tape: regardless of purpose or design, there are only two kinds of medical tape---1) that which will not stick, and 2) that which will not come off. I was a Med/Surg tech back in nursing school days who was allowed to D/C everything but a central line, and I went into one room to take out a saline lock for a patient who was going home. She was a frail elderly lady with extremely thin skin, only I didn't know HOW thin until I took the op-site off.........and took the entire top layer of skin with it. To say the least, I was horrified and began to apologize profusely for the awful thing I'd done. The patient herself merely shrugged. "Oh, for goodness sake, it's just skin!" she admonished. "I can grow more---it happens every time."

(That was when I learned the trick of removing the skin from the tape instead of removing the tape from the skin.......there really is a difference in techniques, and I've never ripped another single layer of parchment paper that serves some elderly folks as skin ever since.)

Then there was the time I nearly got written up for multiple patient complaints. It was one of those full-moon August weekend nights that are just ripe with possibilities......if you're looking for trouble, that is. As it was, I didn't know if things happened the way they did because I was on my fourth consecutive 12-hr shift, but I couldn't help being goofy......I found myself snickering at every silly thing that happened that night, and I'd already infected several of my co-workers with the giggles as well.

Anyway, an LPN and I were working together in one room, changing a patient's soiled linens and cleaning him up while trying not to wake him totally, when I backed into an enormous flower arrangement and sent it crashing to the floor. That made his roommate wake up and swear, stringing profanities together in such creative combinations that it struck me as absolutely hilarious, and I broke up.

I am NOT quiet when I laugh, and when you get my mad cackling going on in the hallway of a hospital at three in the morning, suffice it to say that patients aren't going to be amused, and neither is the nurse manager. The only thing that saved me from a written reprimand was a few quotes from the gentleman I'd awakened with my klutz du jour performance; I guess the NM figured a good cussing-out was punishment enough!

I was in the exam room with the doc and he had just finished examining a pt's ears. I moved the floor-mounted scope arm back to the corner and knelt down to give the pt's fidgety 4-year-old a sticker. When I stood back up, I didn't realize the scope arm (which folds out to about 4' long) wasn't tucked all the way in the corner. Yep, WHACK!! I smacked the top of my head on the scope arm so loudly that the pt looked at me and asked if I was okay. I was holding my head and checking for blood and lumps and stepped out to get an ice pack on it. The doctor got mad at me--he either didn't realize I'd gotten hurt, or didn't care (probably the latter).

Another time I was administering an allergy test. We had two chairs in the testing room and they'd recline flat so pts could lie on their stomachs if needed. I was reclining the chair nearest the wall when the kid sitting in the other chair yelled "Look out!" I had the metal footrest down and the corner of it hit the wall and put a 3" diameter hole in the wall. Yes, I punctured the wall with a chair. The doc got someone to patch the hole and repaint the room. That same room is where the crash cart was kept, and when we moved the crash cart we noticed something funny--the painter didn't move it, so there's a perfect outline of the crash cart on the wall, complete with IV pole.

A year later I was changing the 5-gallon water cooler, like I had done many times before, and as I was putting the full jug on, it slipped and BOOM. I thought plastic jugs wouldn't break, but this one did--in front of the entire back office staff, including the doctor. I mopped what I could, but carpet doesn't mop too well. We had to bring in fans and humidity checkers and special equipment to dry the carpet, and the doc reminded me more than once that it cost $900 to fix it. I'm surprised he didn't take it out of my paycheck. I think that's why, when I turned in my notice, he smiled.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Transplant.

I went into an elderly patient's room one morning and was going to help her to the bedside commode. She was on one of those low, Kinair-type beds (I know there is an actual name for them, but anyway, the point is that the bed was close to the floor :)) and as I was reaching forward/down to help her, I guess I tripped on a cord on the floor right beside the bed. Next thing you know I had fallen INTO the patient's bed, practically right on top of her!! Totally woke her up and she thought it was hilarious-I think her son at the bedside was slightly less amused...

Needless to say, I felt a little ridiculous charting that she was a fall risk related to "mobility impairment"...that probably would have applied to her nurse a little more!

\ said:
This thread made me laugh so hard. How about this: During my pediatric clinical rotations in nursing school, I was assigned to a 2month old baby girl. I went to check on the patient, whose mother and grandmother were sitting next to the crib. I was so nervous that I introduced myself to them, turned around to leave, then accidentally locked myself into their room's closet! I stood there, in the pitch black closet dumbfounded! Finally, I built up enough courage to knock the door....and grandma let me out. I was Mortified!!!!

I seriously just loled at that too funny

During my first clinical in L&D the nurses working that day were the ones who don't really like nursing students and made us feel completely out of place....so anyway when it was time for a c section I was going to watch no one would show me where i needed to go so a student nurse who was with me and had just seen one that day ended up having to show me and get my gown, mask, and shoe covers for me since no one would show me where those were either. So she left and as I was getting ready it was taking me forever to figure out how to put on the shoe covers and i was thinking how dang complicated they were but eventually I figured it out (I thought) and was all set. So I was just kinda wandering waiting when I noticed the NAs whispering and laughing about something and didn't think anything much of it. Well in about 5 mins I see some RNs doing the same thing and I was thinking what in the world is so funny!? I didn't figure out what it was until later as I was leaving and taking off my gown and shoe covers that I realized it was me they were laughing at. As I looked at the others taking off their shoe covers, I realized That I had been wearing surgical caps on my feet all morning! Whoops!

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

These are toooo funny!!! I love these stories....keep 'em coming, folks!

Specializes in ICU.
miss81 said:
I Was helping another nurse change out a pt in the ER. Once we had him changed he said, "oops, sorry!" The nurse I was with asked, "Sorry for what?" The patient said, " for pooping again." We looked everywhere but could not see any bowel movement anywhere. The other nurse said, "No, you must have just broke wind 'cause you never moved your bowels." He gave us a look but we just carried on and left the room. A few minutes later my coworker went to pull out his pen and what should he pull out instead? Big ol' turd. The patent did have a bm after all and it must have just fell directly into my coworkers pocket. He was mortified but I could not stop laughing.


OMG that is the craziest think I have EVER heard!

That is more than ok ;)

I was a new nurse on a med surg/cystic fibrosis floor. I had to give a blood transfusion to a mildly confused lady. I did all the things you're supposed to do: time outs, all the equipment set up, etc. And then I spiked the blood, and turned the bag over to prime the tubing:

And SPLOOSH. Blood all over me. I had pierced the narrow neck of the tube at the bottom of the bag.

The second worst part of this was I had to wear paper scrubs for the rest of the shift, and I looked like the Michelin Man.

The WORST part was having to call the blood bank and tell them I wasted a unit of blood. I thought they'd reach through the phone and throttle me.

Good thing was, I used it as a teaching point for EVERY student I precepted. And boy was I careful spiking blood bags from then on :)


Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

I was working one night and my coworker was like 8 months pregnant and dropped a narcotic under a paeitne's bed. I got down on the floor to look for it. As I stood up the TV on a swing arm was over my head and I had no idea and "SMACK" went my head into the TV. I had an immediate headache and saw stars. My coworker and the pt asked me if I was ok. I was alright but my head hurt.

I was just about off orinetation in the ICU I worked in. I was standing at the side of the patient's bed after changing out his A-line tubing. I kept feeling something wet. I looked and my scrubs were wet. I then realized that I punctured a hole in the NS bag and it was on a pressure bag. I had to take down the whole system and change it out. Not too bad but I still felt like an idiot.

I was in a patient's room in the middle of the night and tripped over her IV tubing. Thankfully I didn't pull out her IV. I fell on my knee and it made a loud sound. My coworkers come running and find me on the floor and were laughing right along with me.

This one isn't nursing related at all, but still funny. My mom and dad had a chair that just broke. My dad came home from work and sat in it and fell backward. My mom and I had told him not to sit there, but he sat down and went over quickly. We were laughing so hard we couldn't help him up. He dented with wall with the chair. I forgot the chair was broke and sat in it a few days later and did the same thing.

Specializes in OB/GYN/Neonatal/Office/Geriatric.
miss81 said:
I Was helping another nurse change out a pt in the ER. Once we had him changed he said, "oops, sorry!" The nurse I was with asked, "Sorry for what?" The patient said, " for pooping again." We looked everywhere but could not see any bowel movement anywhere. The other nurse said, "No, you must have just broke wind 'cause you never moved your bowels." He gave us a look but we just carried on and left the room. A few minutes later my coworker went to pull out his pen and what should he pull out instead? Big ol' turd. The patent did have a bm after all and it must have just fell directly into my coworkers pocket. He was mortified but I could not stop laughing.

Okay, I just read this and peed my pants. THAT is embarrasing!

Specializes in College Health; Women's Health.

When I was in my last semester in nursing school I precepted on a med/surg floor. On my first day I was doing blood sugars with lancets I'd never used before. So after asking my preceptor, I felt confident and went to one of my patients' rooms to get his blood sugar. When I went to use the lancet he said he didn't feel the needle part at all. I thought it was because he had big calluses on his finger so I pulled out another one and tried again at a different spot. He said, "Nope, still didn't feel anything." To which I replied "Oh... Well I did. Ow." Yep - I had the lancet upside down. Oops!

I needed that laugh!!!!!