Enrolled Nurse vs. Endorsed Enrolled Nurse

World International


What's the difference? Im sure Endorsed EN is higher than the EN, but what's mainly the difference in their jobs and how do you become an Endorsed EN from mainly a graduate of EN diploma(or Cert IV)?

This is really eye opening. I'm a LPN in Canada. We are expected to be able to insert a foley catheter in either sex (adult or child). IV starts and med hangs belong to us. We are educated in how to insert a NG but most hospitals hold that skill back for the RNs. We care for the same number of patients as an RN. Patients are assigned by available not not acuity. So if you are fresh out of ICU and my assignment has the empty bed, you come to the LPN. We carry our own malpractice and report to the Charge Nurse as do the RNs working along side of us. We are ultimately responsible for our own safe practice.

We don't have different wage levels for different training levels of LPNs. Currently it's a two year college education with roughly half of the time spent working (for free as student nurses) in hospitals.

We are very unhappy because currently an employed BScN student makes more money than us with fewer patients and on overage make $12/hour less than an RN.

Specializes in Aged Care, General Acute,Theatre,Rehab,.

I am graduating from my Endorsed Enrolled Nurse course in SA in just 3 more weeks :bowingpur

So things have just changed. (Again)

Before EEN there was just EN. No medication endorsement and a ONE year course to gain a Certificate IV.

No medication could legally be given.

But EN's can go and do an additional 6 month course in medication.

Then they introduced the Diploma of Nursing (EEN). This is a 1.5 year full time course. The 6 months spent studying medications via all routes BUT NOT IV!

Once this course was finished you are legally allowed to give medications under the direct/indirect supervision of the RN.

The new course is now the National Diploma of Nursing. Same thing BUT now if you are in another state, I am Victorian, I NO LONGER need to enrol with the SA Nurse's Board then register in Victoria. Wow!:bugeyes:

Now we can just take the diploma and go to what ever state we want and register/enrol there.

Now Victoria has gone and changed it's nursing course. Injectable Endorsed RN Div 2's (me) now give ALL medications, ALL routes. IV, IM, subcut etc. And Schedule 8 drugs, DD's and schedule 9 too. Scary really.

WE GET PAID EXTRA. And are in high demand. Taking the massive burden off the RN's allowing them to do what they have trained hard for.

TALAXANDRA: A RN just stated the same thing the other week. "Why bother doing all this when they can now do what we do?"

But we can't do IV starts but can do trach suctioning, cath placing and removal etc. all the technical stuff but no IV's.

I completed my Diploma through Spencer TAFE SA. Thanks Belinda. Love Ya :heartbeat You have the patience of a Saint.:bow:

Specializes in Medical, Paeds, Ob gyn, NICU.
I am graduating from my Endorsed Enrolled Nurse course in SA in just 3 more weeks :bowingpur

Now Victoria has gone and changed it's nursing course. Injectable Endorsed RN Div 2's (me) now give ALL medications, ALL routes. IV, IM, subcut etc. And Schedule 8 drugs, DD's and schedule 9 too. Scary really.

First up, congrats on finishing :yeah:

and for the second bit ..... OMG that is a bit of shock!! I wonder if they are planning on bringing that in in the other states??

Oh man that is too bizarre! I am an EEN in New South Wales and I can give up and including S4s, check S8 (always have been able to though) and start IV's give meds IV and SC,IM, not S8s though. I can't hang bloods though. The difference state to state is amazing. I did my EEN last year recieved cert4 in enrolled nursing and it took a year. fifteen weeks in total in TAFE the rest on the ward and got payd to do it.

dear all,

new to this forum and still don't get it, pls help ;)

let say ; if i finish my cert IV in ACU, i would be an EN or EEN..??

and how if i get my cert IV in flinders,adelaide, would be EN or EEN..??

any information would be highly appreciated,


newbie baby rei

Specializes in Aged Care, General Acute,Theatre,Rehab,.

Hi Baby Rei,

First of all. What state do you live in?

SA has NO certificate anymore, it's a Diploma of Nursing Pre-Enrolment. Making you an EEN, as they include meds in the course so no more EN.

Victoria has now introduced, slowly, the Diploma making you an Endorsed Registered Nurse Division 2.

But Victoria is still also offering the Certificate which is RN Div 2 NO MEDS.

It's all very confusing. :banghead:

Specializes in Medical.
Now Victoria has gone and changed it's nursing course. Injectable Endorsed RN Div 2's (me) now give ALL medications, ALL routes. IV, IM, subcut etc. And Schedule 8 drugs, DD's and schedule 9 too. Scary really...

A RN just stated the same thing the other week. "Why bother doing all this when they can now do what we do?"

I'm pleased to see that the idea of giving all meds, all routes makes you apprehensive - there's a reason why Div 1 education is longer than Div 2/EN education. People like the Div 1 you quoted, who see the expanding role of Div 2/EN practice and can't see why they put in the extra time and effort, are only seeing the tasks nurses do, and missing the bigger clinical and professional pictures.

Of course, the danger is that the nurses performing the care are also primarily task-focused. If one only sees the jobs one needs to do without thinking about the reason they're being done, important things go unnoticed, and patients suffer as a consequence.

I say this because of an incident that happened recently on my ward, with a junior nurse (transitioned from Div 2 to 1) who thinks that because she's got a handle on how to perform the tasks required that she's no longer challenged on our (complex, acute) ward. Because she can't or doesn't see the difference between task performance competency and clinical skill, she doesn't consider the clinical scenario. In the incident I'm thinking of, a patient's clinical condition changed but because they weren't scheduled to have more frequent observations, and she didn't review this, she didn't recheck a BP all shift, then gave antihyptertensive meds, even though the last BP (8 hours earlier) fell from 115 lying to 85 standing.

Aaaaaaaaaand now I return you to the thread!

Oh my goodness! When I did my training they drummed into us no hypertensives with out a current ( within 15 mins) BP, no anginine without apical beat. I wont give first or second abs either but that is personal choice. The RN gets paid to do that stuff! LOL! The new reg ordered N/S to be put up on a pt with renal failure the other day and I asked the RN about it because I thought your not supposed to? Anyway just made me uneasy to do it, RN said OK and hung it. Most RNs are happy to fill in if you are uneasy, some just glare at you like your crazy. I'm over it now, I'd rather be thought of as mad than bad. Better to look stupid than prove everyone right.

hi redrecks,

thx a lot for your respond, i still stay in my country, plan would go to oz next year.

reading yours, i have another question ;), is it EEN equal with Endorsed Registered Nurse Division 2...

pls advise me some college in victoria which offer diploma for ERN Division 2 since i prefer to study there..

and how long does it take from ERN div 2 to RN..?


baby rei

Specializes in Geriatric Nursing.

Working as an Enrolled Nurse in the high care facility , earns A$20/hr. and as an

Endorsed Enrolled Nurse - you get the same plus A$21 extra for a fortnight. And the difference in duties is just that EEN´s are allowed to do medications.

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